It would be nice to have an option to delete files located in C:\Users\***\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\Content.IE5
This folder can get very large and full up of temp files, seems to only way to get rid of them is through is through dos?
Hello and welcome to the forum. What version of Windows are you using? I have Windows 8 and I might have some different names in my directory, but it seems you have a problem with search indexing. By default the index contains references to your browser history. Here's how I fixed it:
1.) Go to Control Panel>All Control Panel Items>Indexing Options; a new panel opens, Indexing Options; it contains three items; Internet Explorer History, Start Menu, and Users
2.) Click Modify; a new panel opens, Indexing Locations
3.) Uncheck the box for "Internet Explorer History"; then click OK; this panel closes
4.) The first panel, Indexing Options, should now only have two items: Start Menu and Users
5.) Click Advanced, and on the new panel that appears, click Rebuild; this will create a new search index without the Internet Explorer History
Be patient; at first it seems like nothing is happening, but soon you'll see a counter slowly increasing as the new index is being created. When it's done you'll see the message "Indexing Complete".
I started with over 6,800 items in my search index; now I have 963. Post back if you need don't understand these instructions or have a problem.
Thank you for your suggestion. I am running Windows 7 and I cannot find the option to locate the Indexing Options through the Control Panel. Please could someone advise the procedure using Windows 7?