Option to create "System restore point" ...

Their is an option to review and delete old "system restore points" but it would be nice if we had the ability to create a "system restore point" right from Ccleaner. Maybe you should take that into consideration. Thanks for such a great software and for making a FREE version.

I think it would almost be of no help.

The items removed by CC (if users have their INCLUDES correct and if using winapp2.ini correct) should not effect installed programs.

And the 'system' areas it does touch (say Font Cache or Desktop Shortcuts for example) are not covered by Restore Points.

The one area that CC cleans that can (and does) cause issues is the Registry and CC offers a chance to back it up before meddling.

Restore Points do not include any personal data and only a very limited, subset, of system files.

I have a 'create new Restore Point' option in another utility and I use it a lot, so would welcome it in CCleaner too. My Restore Points keep getting wiped out. I suspect CCleaner might be responsible (there are other possibilities) although I rarely use the Registry Cleaner, having been advised to avoid it, and I opt to back up the Registry when I do.

I have long since unchecked Wipe unused disc space.

Can someone tell me what the Restore Point entry is in CC, so I can see if it is checked / unchecked?


Can someone tell me what the Restore Point entry is in CC, so I can see if it is checked / unchecked?

There's nothing to "check / uncheck" because it isn't in the list of cleaning routines. It is instead a manually operated option located in 'Tools > System Restore'.

If there is an option to install windows updates, and manage restore points. Then there should be an option to add a restore point. A bum windows update can be resolved with a simple system restore.