Most have probably seen this illusion but some may not have.
Don't worry,nothing will jump out at ya!
Most have probably seen this illusion but some may not have.
Don't worry,nothing will jump out at ya!
Most have probably seen this illusion but some may not have.
Don't worry,nothing will jump out at ya!
Hadn't seen that, the effect lasts for quite a while even over the a tft monitor.
Another funny thing about it is that after staring at the four dots you can close your eyes and it seems to still appear, sorta on the back of your eyelids, but in the distance.
Bit hard to explain.
This is one of my favourite illusions:
Also look at the video for this one, absolutely brilliant:
The dragon illusion is a beauty!
who do i see? nobody.
was i supposed to see Jesus?
Wow, really cool, yeah its Jesus.
I noticed instead of blinking your eyes, you could just close one of your eyes.
Oh the dragon and the dots are very cool too.
The dragon illusion is spooky.