Opera cache and favicons are not being deleted

I found a bug when deleting the Opera cache. CCleaner neglects to deleted the following directories from Opera 9.60 even after marking all the checkboxes under Opera:

The user cache:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Opera\Opera\profile\cache4

The favicon cache (let's you see the domain name of all visited websites)

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Opera\Opera\profile\images

Another favicon directory:

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Datos de programa\Opera\Opera\profile\images

A second cache directory (not sure what it stores):

C:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME\Configuraci?n local\Datos de programa\Opera\Opera\profile\opcache

Again, this isn't deleted, not even when all checkboxes under "Opera" are checked.

It's specially troubling that it doesn't delete the favicon directories. I went there and found the name of all the 843 websites that I had visited on the last 22 months..... that was since I started using this computer, and I have run CCleaner dozens of times on it.

Translations from Spanish:

Configuraci?n local --- local configuration

Datos de Programa --- Program Data