Hi, Opera released Beta 2! Try it out. I downloaded it and working great. Improved CPU Issue but still testing...
Link: Download!
Have any comments you'd like to make? Feel free and I'll get back to answering.
Note: As all members know, These are Opinions! There's no reason to say that another member should go to this or... that. It's your choice to go towards which Browser. I perfer Opera for my own reasons....
1. Loads Text, Images before viewing page
2. Nice pop-blocker but not the best...
3. Clear and smooth look
4. May have a CPU Issue but the're working on it
5. To me (#1 download manager)
6. Skins and nothing more...
7. Wand! to save passwords and account name quickly and safely
Note again: My Opinion and yet no one elses.
are you using Widgets with Opera? if so, how are they working out for you?
are you using Widgets with Opera? if so, how are they working out for you?
Thx for that question and I'll gladly answer it. Well, ever since Beta 1 and I tested some Widgets, I find them to be pretty darn good. But I do believe while I tested these Widgets I encountered some slowdown. I don't use Widgets as all I did was testing. I would have to go with a yes. I used a Clock, Opera Time Up, and a little fun game that Pissed me off when I played it lol.
Over all the Widgets Idea is a success.
Hope that answers it ![;)]()
is the BitTorrent functionality any good
is the BitTorrent functionality any good
Note: connection problems may occur
"I've ran into a few but it will be fixed"
New release of Beta within my Sig. ![B)]()
Yay, a new release of Opera!
Oh, wait nvm I have Firefox! ![:D]()
Loads pages far faster than any browser I've ever used.
Loads pages far faster than any browser I've ever used.
Indeed. The thing I like about it is: It loads mostly everything before viewing a page!