It gets better and better!
You can get it from here among, possibly, other places:
It gets better and better!
You can get it from here among, possibly, other places:
This is just a beta release.(or at least thats what your link says)
I know in the last release they added some sort of updater. I wonder if it will just install the newer version or just increment patches.(that would be nice since OO is soft of a big download.
I want to see what they added to it as well.
I don't know.. but the file is as large as always..
I installed it.. and then saw 2.1 was still installed.. - so i had both of them 2.1 and 2.2..
So i uninstalled 2.1 .. then uninstalled 2.2.. and now installing 2.2 again
Just d/led it.. gonna install it now again
Cool! - 2.2 - Running smooth..
Great proggy...
Upon installation, i noticed, it created an OO-installation folder (100 MEGer) .. with intallation etc files there...
So i deleted that folder .. - Proggy still running smooth!
I read the main site. Its a beta and you were able to install them both because with the beta versions they are saving it in a different location to allow both versions to be installed. Its probably pretty stable but when you use it make sure you save whatever your working on often.
Has anyone here used OpenOffice yet? If so, how does it compare to MS Office? Is the spreadsheet and word processing program as good or better than Excel and Word? I think PC Magazine gave it a good rating.
Yes, I use openoffice 100% of the time I do any word processing, presentations(powerpoint), or spreadsheets(not very often on the spreadsheets).
If your a home user, then you have no reason to pay for MS Office. OpenOffice will do just about everything you need it to do and more. It can save its files as ms office files(.doc, .ppt, ect) so its fully compatible.
If your a large corporation, I wouldn't try it. I would still use MS office just because thats what your employees will know and its pretty much 100% stable, ect.(although I've never had OpenOffice 2+ crash on me ever). But if your a small business with like 4 employees then it should be more than enough.
Yes, I use openoffice 100% of the time I do any word processing, presentations(powerpoint), or spreadsheets(not very often on the spreadsheets).
If your a home user, then you have no reason to pay for MS Office. OpenOffice will do just about everything you need it to do and more. It can save its files as ms office files(.doc, .ppt, ect) so its fully compatible.
Very interesting. What's the default file format extension for their word processing and spreadsheet programs?
How compatible is it with Excel? If I imported an xls multi-spreadsheet file with Excel macros or @/if function formulas, would it be able to read the file?
OpenOffice saves to its own OpenDocument format by default. OpenOffice can also save to other formats but some stuff that you put in there might not show up as you want it to.
eg, i made a PowerPoint presentation using OpenOffice for school once and i saved it to the Microsoft Powerpoint format instead of the OpenDocument format. when i gave the presentation to my teacher, some minor annoyances appeared. but other than that, it worked great.
so, a little piece of advice, same to the OpenDocument format whenever you can.
I'm not sure about excell macros and stuff.
You could download it and try it though.
I've had really good luck with powerpoint. I have staroffice(samething just has templates, clipart, ect.) and even when I use the templates from StartOffice they always render almost perfectly in powerpoint.(Though John you should test it in powerpoint viewer before you turn it in. ) Same goes with writer(word) its always been pretty much spot on.
I forgot to mention there is a plug in for office being developed for office to make it be able to use open document formats.
Open Office has come a long way in the 2 years since I last tried it. I didn't like it then, but I really like it now. I only keep MS Office on computer because I need it for work, otherwise I would uninstall it.
Cool! - 2.2 - Running smooth..
Great proggy...
Upon installation, i noticed, it created an OO-installation folder (100 MEGer) .. with intallation etc files there...
So i deleted that folder .. - Proggy still running smooth!
I don't understand. Why would you delete the installation folder for a program you want to keep?