In fact very old emulation here. This is Windows v1.01. Selecting with mouse takes practice. Double click on for example the calculator to use it.
In fact very old emulation here. This is Windows v1.01. Selecting with mouse takes practice. Double click on for example the calculator to use it.
I was just wondering where the "windows" were lurking when it crashed Opera.
Landed safely in the Sandbox so no worries.
Worked ok for me Dennis in Opera 12.16 on XP.
But then again.. computers, who'd have 'em, we must be mad
Ah, complete rubbish.
doesnt WFM on nightly
doesnt WFM on nightly
You aren't missing much!
Windows this brings back the old days, I even remember IBM PC DOS 1.0 in 1981 - on a 5.25" floppy.....................used to run it on a Prime PC with a...............wait for orange screen. We've come a long way...........thankfully. <_<