Old Windows version

In fact very old emulation here. This is Windows v1.01. Selecting with mouse takes practice. Double click on for example the calculator to use it.


I was just wondering where the "windows" were lurking when it crashed Opera.

Landed safely in the Sandbox so no worries. :)

Worked ok for me Dennis in Opera 12.16 on XP.

But then again.. computers, who'd have 'em, we must be mad :wacko:

Ah, complete rubbish. :lol:

doesnt WFM on nightly :(

doesnt WFM on nightly :(

You aren't missing much! :lol:

Windows 1.01...............now this brings back the old days, I even remember IBM PC DOS 1.0 in 1981 - on a 5.25" floppy.....................used to run it on a Prime PC with a...............wait for it................an orange screen. We've come a long way...........thankfully. <_< <_<