Old bug still present

Have a problem here.

CCleaner includes works on XP PRO SP2 (32 Bit).

CCleaner includes fails on 7 (32 Bit).

I am not sure if this also applies to Vista, but attempt to drag shortcut on desktop to includes fails in Windows 7.

Attempt to add shortcut on desktop via CCleaner browse method results in the file linked to the shortcut (not the shortcut though) being added.

Why is this?

This is more likely an inconsistency in Windows rather than a programming error on Piriform' behalf.

Well, that is unfortunate!

How do I make it work right then?

Is there no way to make it work?

P.S. What do you mean about inconsistency? Do you have an example? I am a little confused here....

There are other ways to delete the shortcuts that work every time, but I was just wondering why the problem with includes in 7?

P.P.S. If I have certain shortcuts set on includes for XP, wonder if they will "work" in 7 when run from a flash drive?

P.P.S. If I have certain shortcuts set on includes for XP, wonder if they will "work" in 7 when run from a flash drive?

Dream on ! ! !

Anything which has a path commencing with "C:\Documents and Settings\" does NOT exist in W7

Ditto "C:\Program Files\"

Ditto "?:\anything else I can think off ! ! ! \"

I think W7 has about four dozen "Reparse Points" of various types with various ACLS,

and whatever an XP user attempts is likely to be intercepted by these, and rerouted to C:\Users\etc etc.

Many (but not all) of these may allow WRITE access to the rerouted destination

Some (but not all) of these may allow READ access to the rerouted destination

Some (but not all) of these may allow DELETE access to the rerouted destination

Some (but not all) of these may allow MODIFY access to the rerouted destination

You may find these informative :-



The description of W7 I like the most came from


"Windows 7 is actually Ubuntu 6 with security holes put in so nobody would suspect."

If you really want a specific answer on why you have a shortcut failure,

then you MUST stipulate the specific properties of the shortcut.

Incidentally, why do you want every run of CCleaner to remove this short-cut ?

Is it a zombie that comes back to life every time you reboot ?

Are you expecting the destination of the shortcut to survive ?

Would the destination survive if you did a Secure Deletion ?

I have seen one problem where the user thought he had duplicate folders of music/video,

but he had been fooled via Reparse Points (which may have prohibited normal deletion.)

He removed the "duplicate" via Secure Deletion and somehow he lost beyond hope of Recuva Recovery.

I see a troll lurking under every bridge I need to cross ! ! !


Alan, this answer was not helpful. Please remember that people are seaking ACTUAL aid here.


you need to give more information

what do you mean fails?

Have you disabled UAC (i've found that many people who disable UAC can't get Ccleaner to work on windows 7)

what exactly are the "includes" that you are trying tahat aren't working?

for instance if you are trying this as an include "C:\documents and Settings\{username}\blah blah" it won't work on windows 7 as there is not a documents and settings for windows seven (it's "c:\users\{username}\blah Blah")

Alan, this answer was not helpful. Please remember that people are seaking ACTUAL aid here.

I started by answering with specific advice which corresponded to your

"C:\documents and Settings\{username}\blah blah" ...

I then answered the query about inconsistencies.

I am sorry if I went overboard on that,

but they have caused horrendous inconveniences to many people including myself.



Alan, this answer was not helpful. Please remember that people are seaking ACTUAL aid here.


you need to give more information

what do you mean fails?

Have you disabled UAC (i've found that many people who disable UAC can't get Ccleaner to work on windows 7)

what exactly are the "includes" that you are trying tahat aren't working?

for instance if you are trying this as an include "C:\documents and Settings\{username}\blah blah" it won't work on windows 7 as there is not a documents and settings for windows seven (it's "c:\users\{username}\blah Blah")

Hope this will help, but it seems that it will not work whether UAC is enabled or disabled. I am not sure yet if this is specific to my Windows 7 or others, although I tried CCleaner on other machines & it still failed.

For example:

I can install AVG 2011 & AVG works good, but it installs an AVG shortcut to the start menu + desktop.

For some reason, AVG includes some type of anti-change state with this version where some definition update & restart will re-enable the desktop shortcut + the start menu shortcut. So yes, Alan, this one does come back from the dead just like a zombie. I know this is AVG because it does the same in XP or 7 & I do not have a steady state program to revert the PC on any of them at the moment.

When I try to drag the AVG desktop shortcut to CCleaner includes, it simply acts as though I never dragged a file up there when I release my mouse.

In XP, however, this works great!

If I browse to the desktop shortcut in 7 (to try to include it anyway), it wants to "include" the AVG program file location (instead of only the shortcut I browsed to). I do not wish to delete AVG itself, so I delete the "includes" entry back out.

I have no idea why 7 would do this. I know 7 is different, but, a shortcut is a shortcut, right?

Hope this helps!

If you need more info, just let me know!

P.S. If you want to see how this works, try downloading & using AVG free (but be sure to remove the other Antivirus first). I am sure you must have a test machine there, so if you have any problems or questions, I will be only too happy to let you know more.

Thank you for your assistance. I am really impressed by the work you guys do! I try to recommend CCleaner & Defraggler to a lot of people who otherwise wouldn't know about it.

Thanks man!

So yes, Alan, this one does come back from the dead just like a zombie.

Perhaps AVG has a user forum with an instant answer.

I do not know the consequences of doing this on your situation,

but I have a "sure-fire" way of stopping those zombies from doing what they want.

Replace them by something else with the same name.

If it is a folder then create a file with the same name.

If it is a file then create a folder with the same name.

Evil genius beats evil zombie every time ! !

I always got my power up sequence correct and could not get it wrong even when I tried,

but often I would find my daughter would power up the external USB HDD whilst Windows was starting,

and sometimes this allowed Windows to force System Restore monitoring on the external NTFS partitions,

even though I had tweaked the registry to forbid this

It no longer happens now that the root of each partition has a file by the name

"C:\System Volume Information"



Thanks, Alan.

I never knew it worked with System Volume Information, although I am certainly aware of tricks like that.

I myself have used it in situations such as when HostsMan wanted to complain that it did not have a couple of DLL files (trying to reduce what it could run with) but it would work if I created an empty notepad & name it exactly the names of the dll's it called for.

Additionally, you can "cheat" on SFX packages that complain that you "must include at least 1 file in order to create an archive (so you can create an SFX from it)". Include a file, then when you create the SFX, use RAR to open & delete the file inside the SFX (handy if your only running a command).

You can even create a 0 byte shortcut by right clicking the desktop on an empty area, choose "New Shortcut", then right click-drag on the shortcut & create a copy of it on another blank location on the desktop. Cancel the shortcut wizard, & voila! 0 bytes on the copy of the shortcut that you created before you cancelled!

Alas, but this problem with CCleaner has me stumped!

I have no use for the AVG desktop icon (I like my desktop clean, & besides, AVG works fine in the system tray). It is intermittent, but still very annoying when it happens.

Besides, a shortcut named AVG 2011 on the desktop might well get confusing! Perhaps I can simply come up with a script to hide the desktop & start menu shortcuts? Although, I do not know how I would accomplish that yet. Sigh.... "Flips a few google pages"....

Or, if someone else knew & wanted to help!

Will be glad when this is "fixed" in Windows 7, cause I get tired of Windows either not accepting anything that is dragged to includes, or trying to include the path the shortcut refers to (instead of the shortcut itself).

Wonder how many people actually end up deleting files instead of shortcuts because of not paying attention?

* Wonders if this feature should be removed from 7 till it its debugged?

Looking forward to all your replies.

Thanks for your help, Nergal & Alan. We can come up with a solution together!

Besides, a shortcut named AVG 2011 on the desktop might well get confusing!

If you right click the AVG icon and select Rename you can change it,

but it has to be a valid file name, e.g. "HATE AVG"

Here is a short but valid file name (arithmetic sign minus) that XP Home will accept


You also can select Properties and choose an alternative icon.

You may even be able to create your "blank" icon to blend with the desktop background,

but Google knows far more than me about creating icons.



If you right click the AVG icon and select Rename you can change it,

but it has to be a valid file name, e.g. "HATE AVG"

Here is a short but valid file name (arithmetic sign minus) that XP Home will accept

You also can select Properties and choose an alternative icon.

You may even be able to create your "blank" icon to blend with the desktop background,

but Google knows far more than me about creating icons.



I even thought about creating an SFX to use relative paths & overwrite the visible icon(s) with the same name invisible ones.

Do hope they get this feature working in 7 though. Works so great in XP! If it can't work in 7, I rather CCleaner detect the OS it is on & disable the "includes" for Vista/7.

Superfast that's not a bad idea. CCleaner has that ability so hopefully the devs will see that suggestion and integrate it.