Official Microsoft Freeware list.

Its nothing special but I thought it was pretty cool of microsoft to put up a link to firefox under browsers. Too bad they didnt include thunderbird under the email program section. ;)

Pretty cool of them to have a list like that. I noticed they also listed RAV AntiVirus 8 Full Engine Update by GeCad Software what's even more interesting is Microsoft acquired RAV's intellectual property rights in June 2003, confirmed here.

i love its sexy list of free games. ima dl and try em all out :D

They have ClamWin Antivirus there too I noticed.

Really strange that Microsoft have software like that on their site. :P

Also have the Gimp.

Firefox, Clam, GIMP okay thats +3 karms points to Microsoft.

They're still got more minus than plus points though. :P

I searched for Linux and got an offer to buy Windows XP! :D

They have CCleaner!

Its too bad they don't have this Avast Home Anti-Virus:

Its the best around.

EDIT: I was wrong, here it is;

Told you it was the best! ;)

Norton owns Avast :P

i accually dont know but Norton is really nice cause it deletes evil files the second they get on my hard drive

Norton owns Avast :P

i accually dont know but Norton is really nice cause it deletes evil files the second they get on my hard drive

Every AV with decent active scanning will remove a virus the minute it is active.

Man....I didn't think Microsoft had a list of free downloads like that :D

Every AV with decent active scanning will remove a virus the minute it is active.

i still like norton :P

Norton does the most crappy products ever, many people agreed on this earlier. :)

What is funny about Norton products is that for every new version it only gets worse and worse. :P

And as for Norton Antivirus, it takes up far too many resources.

Norton does the most crappy products ever, many people agreed on this earlier. :)

What is funny about Norton products is that for every new version it only gets worse and worse. :P

And as for Norton Antivirus, it takes up far too many resources.

i agree, the only good norton product has symantec instead of norton, such as the corp edition.

rofl. norton doesnt take up any resources. infact it takes about none

and norton accually scans spyware, adware, malware, viruses, and all the other bad junk. even Spybot and Microsoft Antispy couldnt find em. therefore Norton owns :)

My only real gripe about Norton is the amount of stuff it installs. When I used it in my Win98 days it didn't hog resources on my old system although it did have a slow loading GUI after NAV 2000. I've never tried it on my WinXP system and never will.