Have you considered running CCleaner at shutdown instead of startup?
I think most folk aren't too bothered about the time taken to shutdown in comparison to startup (impatience sets in), and I should think the difference in the amount cleaned would be negligible.
I've never understood why people run CCleaner at startup because generally after the first few cleans you'll have gotten rid of the residual rubbish and just be cleaning the new stuff that pops up everytime you perform a common task (e.g. browsing the internet and opening documents) which is pointless to do at startup since you'll just create them again (e.g. adding things to the Recent Documents list, browser history information) when you start using the computer. Better to do it when you've finished using your computer in my opinion.
The problem didn't exist in the previous version of Ccleaner.
It was speedy at startup. I use it there to clean all the Microsoft junk.
I've never understood why people run CCleaner at startup because generally after the first few cleans you'll have gotten rid of the residual rubbish and just be cleaning the new stuff that pops up everytime you perform a common task (e.g. browsing the internet and opening documents) which is pointless to do at startup since you'll just create them again (e.g. adding things to the Recent Documents list, browser history information) when you start using the computer. Better to do it when you've finished using your computer in my opinion.
When I create a backup image of my disc I absolutely loathe the space wasted with Firefox cache and any other junk that could be removed by CCleaner, therefore I like junk to be cleaned BEFORE making the image.
I consider it absolutely insane for multi-users to run CCleaner at startup instead of shutdown,
because when they leave all their junk on the disc during their absence it means that their junk wastes space when the disc is imaged.
Plus I am in full agreement with Dennis.
In the morning I can switch on the kettle,
switch on the P.C. and Log on,
return to kitchen and make my coffee,
back to the computer and get to my emails.
At night I just want to launch shutdown and then clean my teeth etc ready for bed,
and so long as the computer has reached "lights out" before me I am happy.
My shutdown script now includes the daily ERUNT backup,
which is another 8 seconds which no longer delays the morning startup.
Even granted that a large part of that number is exageration, That's overkill. There's no need to run CCleaner that much and really (depending of the number of wipes you are using) can degrade the lifespan of your harddrive.
Even granted that a large part of that number is exageration, That's overkill. There's no need to run CCleaner that much and really (depending of the number of wipes you are using) can degrade the lifespan of your harddrive.
1) the older version does not take as long to clean
2) you are using K-Melon
3) the latest version is the first to clean K-Meleon by default
I have (since the beginning of this thread though I kept forgetting to post it) believed that this is the cause of your "longer" woes.
v3.03.1366 (25 Jan 2011)
- Added K-Meleon browser support.
- Added Rockmelt browser support.
- Added Chrome Plus browser support.
- Added Saved Password cleaning for all browsers.
- Added cleaning for multiple profiles in Google Chrome.
- Added Recent Search History cleaning for Safari.
- Added cleaning for Adobe Acrobat 9.0 and 10.0,
Shockwave 10 and 11, Daemon Tools, Compare It!
and Microsoft Search Helper Extension.
- Improved Autocomplete Form History cleaning for IE9.
- Improved Saved Form Information cleaning for Chromium based browsers.
- Improved Internet History cleaning for Opera.
- Improved Internet Cache cleaning for Firefox.
- Improved cleaning for Silverlight and Adobe Reader.
- Improved Office 2003 and XP to prevent removal of autocorrect settings.
- Added more Windows MRU cleaning rules.
- Added Belarusian translation.
- Minor UI tweaks and fixes.
K-Meleon is cleaned within the Mozilla/Firefox section
next: Please note any observed difference between Normal and Slim Builds' cleaning time is nothing but perception. Slim and Normal and even portable builds are 100% exactly the same except the following differences:
Normal Slim Portable
Google Installer Included Yes NO No
Portable.dat Included(forcing into INI settings) No No Yes
Can Write to the Registry Yes* Yes* No**
* Can be turned off via Save settings to INI option
I just tried an experiment with Wiffies puter. She is running Windows XP Pro
and IE. NO K-meleon.
AT Startup Ccleaner ran in about 3+ seconds.
I started using K-meleon because Firefox became so bad that I couldn't
stand it any more. Hate to see Ccleaner having anything to do with Firefox.
So IMHO it must be the combination of K-meleon and Ccleaner that is causing
the problem...
When I create a backup image of my disc I absolutely loathe the space wasted with Firefox cache and any other junk that could be removed by CCleaner, therefore I like junk to be cleaned BEFORE making the image.
I consider it absolutely insane for multi-users to run CCleaner at startup instead of shutdown,
because when they leave all their junk on the disc during their absence it means that their junk wastes space when the disc is imaged.
Plus I am in full agreement with Dennis.
In the morning I can switch on the kettle,
switch on the P.C. and Log on,
return to kitchen and make my coffee,
back to the computer and get to my emails.
At night I just want to launch shutdown and then clean my teeth etc ready for bed,
and so long as the computer has reached "lights out" before me I am happy.
My shutdown script now includes the daily ERUNT backup,
which is another 8 seconds which no longer delays the morning startup.
It takes longer on your computer (as opposed to your wife's) with this version (as opposed to the older one) because ccleaner is cleaning K-Meleon. This aspect of ccleaner is new this version. The reason you don't see K-Meleon in the applications list is because it (and many other mozilla based softwares) is listed as Mozilla/Firefox
Try turning off in the Firefox section "Compact Databases." It's known to take much longer to clean if CCleaner deems the SQLite Database files need compacted.