And this happened BEFORE "9/11".
And this happened BEFORE "9/11".
Not really surprised.
Nothing is really private when you use the internet.
I'm also not surprised, and since the Internet was a government/military invention why wouldn't they be able to.
I'm genuinely surprised when people find out just what the Government (any government) really does keep tabs on.
It's as if they really thought their democratically elected, checks and balances, Government wouldn't dare do that to them !
I'd like to see the gubbament compromise a system that is never online. I be they got some exotic ways of doing that too.
Article lacks primary source1
Primary Sourced 2009 Article where Microsoft claims it has not (in the past) and will not create backdoors in it's software (Article also mentions Cisco does):
Seems the rumor comes from the existence of an encryption key called NSA (source)
which is explained
basically your article is baloney that some nut2 is recycling due to to latest NSA "scandal". (explanation)I'm still deciding if I have an issue with a non-targeted Billions of phone numbers calling each other being held solely for anti-terrorism uses and not admissible in any other case; remember, internationals, that America has Fruit of the Poisonous Tree in it legal structure; the high court would have to find if evidence used in non-terrorism which stemmed from use of this data is tainted or not.
1: Total time to debunk, five min. Total Google pages looked through, two. Note to Original poster, it helps you and others for you to research before believing and disseminating.
2: Apologize for the ad hominem attack on Barry Ritholtz
this is the power of the Web.
anyone with an opinion now has access to a very wide audience.
and humans, in nature, are curious and trusting.
"back when I was a kid", we only had three conspiracies; who shot JFK, the moon landings and which check-out was Elvis working at.
now we have them force-fed to us online...
remember, internationals, that America has Fruit of the Poisonous Tree in it legal structure...
I starting reading that line and thought it was going to end with "Fruit Of The Loom", but now it didn't. I didn't know that saying, but yeah it's always on the news about some evidence being wrongly gathered, nothing new.
Interesting video:
Bill Binney: "East Germany would have loved to have this kind of technology".
Bill Binney set up a program called "Thinthread" but it was too cheap, only ~ $ 10 million. So, they installed a much more expensive program called Trailblazer, costing billions of USD. But it was never used and eventually scrapped.
Two long audioclips with two NSA whistleblowers (Binney & Drake)
This whole debacle reminds me of the plot of Dan Brown's 1998 thriller, Digital Fortress.
Not really surprised.
Nothing is really private when you use the internet.
An important point here, imho, is to teach kids (and adults) that anything they do on the 'net can persist forever.
The issue of whodunit & how isn't so important.
It is important to keep the unwary from making mistakes which they have to live with forever.
not without reason --> NasSA
19-year-old student for Facebook messages with their relatives and valid visa return to Germany.
homeland security...? what for a club sounds like by the nazis
perhaps should the americans check what will be created for public authorities and what kind of people are like checks before granting a visa
second similar case:
google translation
Our daughter (then 19 years old just high school) it was in 1997 in Atlanta at the Immigration way. All the young women were taken out and interrogated machine from the Delta Airlines. Our daughter wanted to spend half a year with relatives and a girlfriend in San Francisco. All papers were in order! But the female [...] Immigration Officer it did not fit, that a young woman "just for fun" could be in the US. My colleague wanted to enter our daughter. But you had so set in her mind that our daughter had to sign a Withdrawl of Immigration after removal of fingerprints, that they would not enter the next 5 years in the United States. If she had not signed, they would have gone to prison. The next machine was shipped to Europe. She succeeded yet to slip a woman money and our phone number so that they could inform us. Our mistake was that we on the plane the address of the friend, had given place to the relatives in the immigration papers at the first issue and then our daughter. We wanted the money Atlanta - San Francisco have returned and learned that Delta Airlines had to pay $ 3,000 penalty for an illegal transportation in the United States. Politicians like Klose and RĂ¼he who had much to do with the USA because of youth exchanges, also could not help. It was said that not even the US president would be given the power, the Immigration staff commands.
NSA has access to all computer systems
definitely with w10 and automatic updates
Trium you are getting dangerously close to being very political in your posts here in this thread.
The thread will have to be closed if you continue like this.
It should be - it's over two years old.
Yes folks............lets move on, I don't know about anyone else but I get enough of this stuff on TV, Radio and the Newspapers and the like..............PLEASE not here.
this fred is political...already with the headline, but ok.
but I get enough of this stuff on TV, Radio and the Newspapers and the like
it was only just topic in the german media (also TV)