not working anymore...

I unfortunately plugged my external drive to a NAS device and the NAS formatted the drive...

So I started Recuva free and it worked for three days and 4 seconds before the end, Windows said that Recuva is not working anymore.

There are (were) about 190.000 mp3s on my drive.

Any suggestions?



PS: Windows 10, i870, 8 GB RAM

in case it helps others, what sort of NAS unit is it?

did you plug your external drive into it internally or via USB?

do you know what sort of format occured?

what worked for 3 days, the Recuva scan or the file recovery?

what happens now when you re-run Recuva?

The NAS is from Medion and it asked if it "can use" the external hdd via USB and I clicked on "yes" and then it formatted the HDD. Don't know which sort of format.

Running Recuva now again, (Phase 1) and I will see what happens when it comes to the end.

I would like to post a screenshot here. How can I insert a picture?

With "My media" it does not work...

Press the More Reply Options button to upload a jpg, png or gif from your machine


now it is like this

thx for the help


getting exciting :-)


now it seems to work

thank you!

Recuva recovered about 45.000 mp3s!

Thanks for this great software and forum.


Glad to hear everything worked for you roosta :)