Not permited in current location problem


I'm from Spain and I got problems every time I try opening CCLEANER 5.53.x

I have Jazztel ISP provider. I view in webpage the IP geolocation and its appears to be from Spain.

I don't know why this occur. I can't use the program in none of my network computers. All having the same problem.

I try to shutdown the ISP router to obtain another public IP, but I have the same problem.

What can I do?

Sorry my english.


See here for similar situation

On 21/2/2019 at 06:04, hazelnut said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		See here for similar situation

		<a href="<___base_url___>/topic/52495-not-permitted-in-current-location/?tab=comments#comment-299959" rel=""></a>



I already found that because I use search before posting.

I discovered that should be a IP geolocation problem, but I don't understand why.

I report that to jazztel ISP but it does solve me anything, because if you geolocaize that public IP, it appear from spain, but CCLEANER could use another database of geolocatiĆ³n, I don't know how this is working.

Yesterday with a customer mine, I have problem with a SAMSUNG SMART TV. When I reset the SMARTHUB (Smart TV APPs), the terms and conditions appears in arab language even though I selected country SPAIN. This is something of IP geolocation problems. When I connected the smartv by smartphone internet sharing (with another IS provider), then, the terms and conditions of smarthub license appears in the right language (spanish). Is very strange thing.

I read in spanish forum that jazztel is buying IP's from anothers country or something like that, and the geolocation data base is not being updated in all world.

Which geolocation database ccleaner uses and why is not updated?

This is a serious problem for me, because I'm a IT professional and another day, W10 Windows Update also not worked with a conectivity servers error, but It does not specify the real problem, that they was thinking I live in another country, not permited country such Iran or something similar.

Now W10 Windows Update works, but not CCLEANER. Is something relies in geolocation databases, that not being sincronized and updated.

I need help.

Thanks and sorry my english.

I need know what IP geolocation is CCLEANER using.

With that information I could test things and claim to jazztel.


If I test my IP with, it shows that is from IRAN.

But if I test with another gelocation services, such as, then my IP gelocation is SPAIN.

Which piriform database uses that is not updated?

Shouldn't this be a complaint to Jazztel rather than Piriform?

I guess they are supplying these cheap - because they are blocked.

Good luck with that; Facebook thinks my home town is in Scotland and refuses to change it despite many complaints from residents here. (It would take me at least 2 hours on a train to get to the border with Scotland).


It does appear that the ISP has purchased IP addresses that previously were registered in Iran. In order for these to be updated. Some Geolocation services are faster at doing this. I can look into this from our side, but I would stress to your ISP that this is something they can be handling proactively when they migrate these IP addresses after purchase, by contacting major Geolocation services to inform them of the new designation. This is especially important when the US and UK markets have active trade embargoes for certain countries (Iran being one of them), and that extend to digital products.

11 hours ago, Stephen Piriform said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi <strong>SPTR</strong>,

		It does appear that the ISP has purchased IP addresses that previously were registered in Iran. In order for these to be updated. Some Geolocation services are faster at doing this. I can look into this from our side, but I would stress to your ISP that this is something they can be handling proactively when they migrate these IP addresses after purchase, by contacting major Geolocation services to inform them of the new designation. This is especially important when the US and UK markets have active trade embargoes for certain countries (Iran being one of them), and that extend to digital products.


Thanks in advance.

I have been researching about this. And yes, I know that is a EEUU restriction to some countries. Here are 3 or 4 big ISP. Movistar, Vodafone, Orange.

Jazztel is a subsidary of Orange group. And I can read in forums that recently, it purchased IPs range from ARIAN NETWORK (IRAN), and this is the problem. Not all geolocation data base are up to date. I don't know why there isn't a central database of geolocation where this information is catched. I don't know why are some databases over the world and why they aren't synced to any central database.

Why this does not working as ICANN/IANA do with INTERNET domains names?

I have been complain to jazztel but I don't have the problem solved yet. They don't explain anything to me.

I read something about IP ASN. Many geolocation databases that I test, shows the correct IP ASN (to orange isp provider, UNI2 NETWORK) and SPAIN contry, but few shows ARIAN NETWORK ASN (in IRAN, grgrgrgr).

The problem is that the newer companies (although they already have some years) do not have enough IP ranges for the increase of users in recent times. Movistar is the oldest company, and it does not have these IP problems, since it will have reserved most of them, but jazztel, masmovil, YOIGO, etc., have these IP problems and are applying CGNAT, and the IP ranges that they bought other countries.

If you can do anything, I'll be very greatful.

I can send you the public IP address I having. (It changes when OFF/ON the router, but most of the range granted fail).

Try this ip:

Thanks you.

Yes, this trend is likely to continue as the stock of IPv4 addresses is depleted.

Bring on IPv6!