Let me start by saying I have used ccleaner for years and recommended it to people and lately I've been wanting to sign up to the pro version to support this company that I thought was great. I have been debating it because there is not much benefit at all in the pro. Sure you only have to click two buttons to update instead of four. (One button when the popup says an update is available in pro then one click to run vs one click to the ccleaner website when the free version says an update is available then click to go to the third party site then click download then run.) sure that's nice and you get tech support but what can they do that you can't google 9/10 times. Is it worth the money? Well come to find out the pro version is just a one year license for these minimal features. To make matters worse in the licence agreement it says you will automatically be charged every year the pro price to "renew" the license,
Unless you cancel when they email you the reminder before it comes up. Look I love this product don't get me wrong and I appreciate it being free but I don't think anyone would use this if it was a subscription service. You can do most of what this program does by hand very easily. Who would spend $30 bucks a year to press fewer mouse clicks?
Really all I'm saying here is that it needs to be CLEAR in the description that the pro version is only a year license and that you will be charged automatically ever year to renew the subscription.
Perhaps if you just quote from the legal form it might be easier.
The Services shall start on the date on which Piriform sends a confirmatory email to you confirming full payment of the support and update fees and issuing your user account details, and shall continue for a period of 1 year or for such other period as we may agree with you in writing.
If you have purchased yearly subscriptions for the Support Services and/or Update Services, at the end of the year and any following year, the Support Services and/or Update Services shall renew automatically for another year. Piriform (or its authorized agents or sub-contractors) will give you an opportunity to cancel your subscription in advance of the renewal date and will inform you of the renewal fees. Unless you notify Piriform by email before renewal that you do not want to renew the Services.
seems to be a path a lot of companies who offer yearly subscriptions have taken.
especially with AV software, Norton's has been doing it for years.
personally I don't like it, you should have to opt-in by default, not opt-out. But I can see why they do it, and let's be honest, we'd do the same if we were in their shoes.
I appreciate that this 'reply' comes 15 months after 'PAULEV's' original December 2014 query, however it may come in useful for others with a similar question.
The link below confirms that Piriform/CCleaner DO NOT operate an automatic renewal process. (My highlighting/underlining.)
If you have purchased one of our premium products and have an issue with it, you can get priority email responses from the Piriform support team.
You will be sent a login to our support site where you get rapid replies from our team on any aspect of your purchase.
We aim to answer all tickets within a maximum of 4 hours during our working day of 8am-8pm AST. If your ticket goes unanswered for longer than this, then bells ring and our support manager gets quite agitated
We do not currently operate an automatic renewal process. If you wish to extend / renew your license, you can do this by simply completing a new purchase through our website.