Not Deleting Temporary Files

Hello. This is my first post. I have been using ccleaner for quite a while and have never had problems with it before this last version. I have version 1.31.325. This version is not removing the temporary files. I have it checked to do so , but it doesn't. I uninstalled ccleaner and reinstalled it. I then ran it and it got rid of the temporary files. But now , it is back to not deleting them. I think there must be a bug in this version. I am ready to go back to an earlier version of ccleaner.

Which directory is not having the temp files removed?

Which directory is not having the temp files removed?

The temporary files that you find when you go to "C" Drive>Documents and Settings>User Name>

Local Settings> Temporary.

Forever, since I have been using cCleaner and that has been for almost a year now., it has Never failed to delete these temporary files. All of them except for four. Now , I have to do it manually.

This only started with this last update.

The temporary files that you find when you go to "C" Drive>Documents and Settings>User Name>

Local Settings> Temporary.

:huh: Do you mean C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp or Temporary Internet Files? There shouldn't be a "Temporary".

:huh: Do you mean C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local Settings\Temp or Temporary Internet Files? There shouldn't be a "Temporary".

I meam Temporary files NOT Temporary Internet Files and yes , there should be a Temporary file folder as well as a Temporary Internet file folder along with a History Folder , and Application folder. Has been ever since I had my computer and that has been four years. Windows XP SP2.

Below is how I get there:

My Computer>Local Disk "C">Documents and Settings> User Name>Local Settings>. Click on the LOCAL Settings folder and it opens to show the Temporary File folder , a Temporary Internet file folder , an Application folder , and a History folder. Click on each folder to see the files there.

In Options > Advanced try unchecking the option to delete only those files older than 48 hours.

Incidentally, CCleaner will still be unable to delete files that are in in use because they're locked by another process, so it IS normal that some files may remain after running CC.

In Options > Advanced try unchecking the option to delete only those files older than 48 hours.

That option doesn't work correctly on my computer!

If that option is checked, it doesn't delete any temporary files, so there are still temporary files which are two weeks or four weeks old...

If it's unchecked, it deletes all files. That's ok!

I meam Temporary files NOT Temporary Internet Files and yes , there should be a Temporary file folder as well as a Temporary Internet file folder along with a History Folder , and Application folder. Has been ever since I had my computer and that has been four years. Windows XP SP2.

Below is how I get there:

My Computer>Local Disk "C">Documents and Settings> User Name>Local Settings>. Click on the LOCAL Settings folder and it opens to show the Temporary File folder , a Temporary Internet file folder , an Application folder , and a History folder. Click on each folder to see the files there.

I think we mean the same folder (and it may have nothing to do with your problem) but I've never seen it spelled out completely as "Temporary" or "Temporary Files", just "Temp".

Yes LOL , we do mean the same folder. It is called Temp for the Temorary files and the Temporary Internet file folder is spelled out.

Thanks Tony. I went into ccleaner under options , advanced and unchecked the one that said to only delete files older than 48 hours. That might solve my problem as it was checked. I will try later when I get more files built up as I just cleaned and deleted those myself. Will let everyone know if it was solved.

Oh , and I want to add that you guys and gals are the greatest. I am so glad I came here. These are very informative forums.

Thanks Tony. I went into ccleaner under options , advanced and unchecked the one that said to only delete files older than 48 hours. That might solve my problem as it was checked. I will try later when I get more files built up as I just cleaned and deleted those myself. Will let everyone know if it was solved.

I rather think it almost certainly will. ;)

Thanks a bunch Tony. That took care of it. My problem is solved.

That's good to hear, Jillian, glad to help. :)