Not Defragging Inactiive pagefile.sys (In Another PC)

Ok so I removed the HDD from computer A and installed in computer B and its still not defragging the pagefile.sys even though in Virtual Memory settings on computer b it shows there is no page file on the E: drive but the pagefile.sys file does exist but its inactive.

Then if I defrag the E: drive with the windows tool it works fine and defrags the page file.

From what I can work out Defraggler dosn't have any detection methods for detecting page files that are inactive/in use.


It's deliberately coded not to touch pagefile.sys whether it's locked or not.

If you want to defrag it you must edit the executable and patch out pagefile.sys twice (stored as unicode text).

Richard S.

It's deliberately coded not to touch pagefile.sys whether it's locked or not.

If you want to defrag it you must edit the executable and patch out pagefile.sys twice (stored as unicode text).

Richard S.

I feel lazy here. Do you mean edit the Defraggler executable? Or do you mean editing some other EXE for patching?

I believe you mean Defraggler, right? Edit Defraggler.exe?

Hi Guys,

I would advise you not to modify the executable file as it may lead to unexpected problems. Pagefile.sys defrag was disabled deliberately.

Best regards


If you delete pagefile.sys it will be recreated on next startup. If you have enough contiguous space it will probably be created without fragmentation.

You can't delete pagefile.sys. You'll have to go through Windows options to do that ;)

@romanoff If done correctly there should be no unexpected behaviour the patch simply allows pagefile.sys to be processed.

I can understand your concerns about modifications and yes if you're a n00b or clueless then you should leave it alone.

As for the original problem I see no reason for pagefile.sys to be deliberately excluded I'm sure some would point out that it's locked by the Operating System, however my point is under BartPE / ERD Commander it is not locked.

For defragging pagefile.sys I use Sysinternals Contig under BartPE on many occasions and never suffered any ill effects I just wish I could do the same using Defraggler instead.

Richard S.