I installed a second hard drive and moved my windows TEMP directory to the new drive. CCleaner doesn't clean up files in the new temp diretory. I have the enviroment variable TMP and TEMP set to the new drive
My question is related. I have two hard drives, C & G. When I ran the Ccleaner, it only did the C drive. How do I get it to do the G drive too?
As far as I know, the operating system can only have one temporary folder. The temporary folder is defined in the %TMP% and %TEMP% environment variables. The other temp folder you have on G: might not be a *real* temp folder.
I installed a second hard drive and moved my windows TEMP directory to the new drive. CCleaner doesn't clean up files in the new temp diretory. I have the enviroment variable TMP and TEMP set to the new drive
I uninstalled , then re-installed and it now cleans my temp directory on the j:\ drive. It must identify the temp directory at install time.