I use Outlook Express to download my office mail. I uninstalled Norton Antispam, however, most of the mail that comes through, even though it is not spam, it is marked as spam. How to i fix this?
I use Outlook Express to download my office mail. I uninstalled Norton Antispam, however, most of the mail that comes through, even though it is not spam, it is marked as spam. How to i fix this?
it may be that elements of it were not uninstalled, this happened to me when i uninstalled norton antivirus. if you dont have any other norton products on your computer you could try their removal tool SymNRT. which I used.
must make sure you dont have any other norton products on comp or it will get rid of them aswell
Norton / Symantec products are notorious for refusing to be uninstalled. Try above remove tool and see if it helps.
If not, you may also want to check with your ISP if they do some marking or blocking spam.
1. Dont use Outlook Express, because sooner or later, you might get infected with a worm or something. Dont play with fire. Use Mozilla Thunderbird.
2. Dont use any Norton products, they are notorious for their crappy quality and refusing to properly uninstall themselves.
Thanks guys 4 all ur advice.... yeah i have norton antivirus also installed on my comp... drinks up memory though..... any idea what i can do 2 get rid of Spam??? seems to b increasing day by day!
Yeah, get rid of Norton.
Then use either a webmail with built-in spam protection (Gmail seem to work pretty good) or use Mozilla Thunderbird, it has spam filtering and there are many extensions, etc.