Non-existent applications still remain for cleaning

I updated AVG AntiVirus 9.0 to AntiVirus 10.0 and I also deleted AVG9 folders from my computer, but AntiVirus 9.0 still stays ( Cleaner>Applications>Utilities>AVG AntiVirus 9.0 ). How do I remove this which no longer exists?

It's probably because there are still some AVG 9.0 registry keys which CCleaner is picking up. I would uninstall AVG and then do a clean re-install.

Paste the following into Notepad, save it as "fix.reg" (WITH the quotes). Double-click on the file you just saved, accept the prompt, et voil?.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


It's probably because there are still some AVG 9.0 registry keys which CCleaner is picking up. I would uninstall AVG and then do a clean re-install.

Clean install may be a good idea. But I hope Ccleaner would solve this in future update, because although non-existent entries are meaningless they don't do harm at all. Thanks for replying.

Clean install may be a good idea. But I hope Ccleaner would solve this in future update, because although non-existent entries are meaningless they don't do harm at all. Thanks for replying.

One solution is to always uninstall old versions of security software such as antivirus, etc., with Revo Uninstaller Free since it can remove leftovers, then reboot and install the newest greatest version -- clean install!

Or better yet get into the habit of tracking installations with install watchers like Total Uninstall (Last Freeware Version), or the more up-to-date ZSoft Uninstaller (freeware)

Every antivirus I've ever used and uninstalled leaves something behind in the registry.

One solution is to always uninstall old versions of security software such as antivirus, etc., with Revo Uninstaller Free since it can remove leftovers, then reboot and install the newest greatest version -- clean install!

Or better yet get into the habit of tracking installations with install watchers like Total Uninstall (Last Freeware Version), or the more up-to-date ZSoft Uninstaller (freeware)

Every antivirus I've ever used and uninstalled leaves something behind in the registry.

Thanks guys for informative suggestions. The Registry key Aethec posted was exactly what Ccleaner picked up after the update. I deleted it and everything is OK now. I think it's desirable for Ccleaner detects this kind of leftovers and deletes automatically.

Ccleaner detects this kind of leftovers and deletes automatically

CCleaner doesn't really have a way to do that. Complain to Grisoft that their old program doesn't uninstall properly on update to 10

CCleaner doesn't really have a way to do that. Complain to Grisoft that their old program doesn't uninstall properly on update to 10

Really? Then we need to manually delete those leftovers as most applications may not remove keys completely when uninstalled. Are there any effective ways to find unnecessary registry keys?

Really? Then we need to manually delete those leftovers as most applications may not remove keys completely when uninstalled. Are there any effective ways to find unnecessary registry keys?

On the whole those keys are harmless. However if you find one it is best to (as I stated) let the programs developer know.

Are there any effective ways to find unnecessary registry keys?

Track the installation with an install watcher like I've already suggested and they will log every detail of what was installed on your C:\ drive and in the registry. Albeit even with an install watcher you still need to manually remove some stuff, as is the case with security software; antivrirus, firewall, etc., that place keys in the registries CurrentControlSet areas which need their permissions changed to Administrator to remove them, however they're completely harmless if not removed.

On the whole those keys are harmless. However if you find one it is best to (as I stated) let the programs developer know.

That's right and that may have happened because I updated from AVG9 to AVG10 without manually uninstalling the former. BTW, I've tried a few registry cleaning software but it seems none of them cleaned up leftover keys completely.

Track the installation with an install watcher like I've already suggested and they will log every detail of what was installed on your C:\ drive and in the registry. Albeit even with an install watcher you still need to manually remove some stuff, as is the case with security software; antivrirus, firewall, etc., that place keys in the registries CurrentControlSet areas which need their permissions changed to Administrator to remove them, however they're completely harmless if not removed.

Total Uninstall sounds nice to me. And as there may not be ways to eradicate them, better get along, it seems.