Non Beta Version Crash

Have just run new non beta version of Speccy.

It terminates with

"Runtime Error. Has requested Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way."

This occurs while it is still filling in details.

Peter J

"Runtime Error. Has requested Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way."

I too am getting the same error but only on my AMD e-machine T3025

with a low ram (640k) 100GB HD, 3.5, a Sony DVD R/RW, using a ALL-IN-WONDER Card

and a Flash Driver adapter box.

Using version 101132.

None of my 4 other systems that I have tested it on have had a any problem.

They are a mix of Intel, AMD and etc... All have 1gb of RAM, large HD's and lots neat stuff


I am wonder if it is the LOW RAM 640k causing it

or the older Phoenix Tech BIOS dated 8/8/2003????

Those are the only 2 odd items from the other 4.

This only occurs while it is finding the RAM and HD details.

If I don't click OK on the error, it continues to run finding all items

EXCEPT the Hard Drive GB size.

Once OK is click it dies.