No Undo/Confirm Option on Health Check

I tried the new health check and waited for the process to finish. There is little or no info on what is happening other than changing graphics. When completed there is no option to undo the unwanted changes.

I am not unusual in that I regularly use a lot of cookies and these were all automatically deleted. worse still, I had unwanted updates applied.

At least there should be a confirm option as the new health check proceeds. As it stands not only is it impractical to use but stands to cause major problems.

If code changes cannot be applied, then can we have an option to hide it so that my users don't have problems?


The option to review before cleaning is already there in Health Check.

Once the analyze has finished click on any of the four boxes at the bottom for more about what has been found.

For example when you click on the 'Privacy' box, the screen changes to show this:


You can untick these before clicking on 'Make it Better' and they won't be cleared. TBH though you don't get a lot of choice, ie. for cookies it's all or nothing.

It's similar for the other 3 boxes, untick anything that you don't want doing.

Health Check is meant for simple use and has it's own rules for what it does, you can't change those rules.

If you want more control then use Custom Clean where you choose what to clean or not.

You are presented with two lists of thing that you tick to clean and untick to leave alone, the lists are pre-pouplated with popular choices but you are free to change them.

In the Options you can further specify particular cookies to keep, and can even add specific includes for files that CC doesn't clear by default, and excludes for files CC would normally clean but you don't want it too.

If you want to use Custom Clean as the default then go to Options>Settings and under 'CCleaner Home screen' select Custom Clean.

After running the health check for the first time, I now have Google Chrome installed w/o my permission. Who the do these people think they are? T he constant barrage of foistware is bad enough, but I was not even warned this time. To add insult to injury, I paid for a Pro version quite a few years ago, and now suddenly my "subscription" is expired, and I am nagged constantly to "renew" it. Piriform had good useful software. Avast has turned it into a piece of crap.

Running Health Check will not install Google Chrome.

The Chrome offer isn't new, it's happened for years, well before Health Check.

You will see many complaints about it on this forum.

Installing CCleaner using the standard installer may still install Google Chrome, if you don't untick the pre-ticked offer.

The same as it has done for years if you were not careful to untick the offer.

Whilst the offers for Avast/Piriform products now have a new page with Accept/Decline buttons, the Google Crome offer is still as it always was and is still pre-ticked.
