No SSD NVM info


I recently installed a new NVMe SSD drive and its SMART data is not shown in latest version of Speccy. CrystalDiskInfo for example shows the data. Please refer to the attached screenshot.

Best regards,


I have the same problem with the Toshiba NVMe SSD in my Dell Inspiron 15 5584 (purchased August 2019). Speccy v1.32.740 reports "S.M.A.R.T. not supported" (see my system snaphot at ...


... while the WMIC diskdrive get status command reports "Status OK"...


.. and CrystalDiskInfo v8.4.2 is able to display the SMART attributes and reports the status is "Good".



64-bit Win 10 Pro v1909 build 18363.720 * Firefox ESR v68.7.0 * Windows Defender v4.18.2003.8 * Speccy Portable v1.32.740

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U@1.60/1.80 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Same result for my Sabrent Rocket NVMe PCIe M.2 2280 SSD installed in a Lenovo T490.

Same result for any NVMe

Same result for Samsung 980


On 09/07/2021 at 17:59, gema said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		<span style="background-color:#ffffff;color:#382e23;font-size:14px;">Same result for any NVMe</span>

Speccy hasn't been updated since v1.32.740 was released on 20-May-2018, and the builds page at only has a download link for the Standard installer.

On 20-Jul-2019 Avast / Piriform employee @Dave CCleaner posted in Speccy - No Updates Since May 2018 that "To confirm, updates to the client software for Defraggler, Speccy and Recuva are certainly planned. No committed dates at this point in time, but we're aiming for later this year."

On 22-Oct-2019 Dave CCleaner posted in Download Link for the Portable Version is Downloading the Setup Version that "We've got a couple of broken links as a result of moving recently to a new download server. These will all be reestablished shortly." That comment was posted in the Defraggler board (another utility that is missing the Slim and Portable builds at but at the time I was told that download links to the Slim and Portable builds for both Speccy and Defraggler would be re-posted on their respective builds pages "soon".

I would appreciate if someone from Avast / Piriform would provide a status update and let us know if Avast has any plans to support Speccy going forward and release another update that works correctly with modern hardware components.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v20H2 build 19042.1110 * Firefox v90.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2106.6 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.4.3.125-1.0.1387 * Speccy Portable v1.32.740

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U@1.60/1.80 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

1 hour ago, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents ipsClearfix" data-gramm="false">
		Speccy hasn't been updated since v1.32.740 was released on 20-May-2018

NVMe will have a newer revision coming out possible in the next few months so Speccy will be even further outdated. But there's other tools freely available online.

2 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		NVMe will have a newer revision coming out possible in the next few months so Speccy will be even further outdated. But there's other tools freely available online.

Hi Andavari:

What would you suggest as a Speccy alternative?

I've shown <above> that CrystalDiskInfo is able to read the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of my NVMe SSD and I normally use Farbar Recovery Scan Tool (FSRT) and/or Belarc Advisor Free for diagnosing problems on my own computer.

However, if I'm helping someone else troubleshoot a problem in a user forum and only need a basic diagnostic to show me their hardware components and installed software then Speccy is often a good choice because it's easy for a non-technical person to collect and publish a Speccy snapshot (File | Publish Snapshot) on the Piriform server at http: // . Some forums don't allow users to attach .txt or .log files to their posts, while others only allow Forum Mods with escalated privileges to view attached files. I can't ask users to publicly post a Belarc Advisor log because of the protected information (e.g., software product keys) it collects.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v20H2 build 19042.1110 * Firefox v90.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2106.6 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.4.3.125-1.0.1387 * Speccy Portable v1.32.740

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U@1.60/1.80 GHz, 8 GB RAM, Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G 256 GB NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

CrystalDiskInfo as you've already posted seems to be on top of things by gradually adding more drives, and is frequently updated and is often the most recommended or go to for drive information since it's simple, easy, small, and a keeper. Another that isn't just focused primarily on drives alone would be HWiNFO or HWiNFO Portable which is also frequently updated.

Well, glad I did a search before posting about the Speccy 'bug'.

For the record - new build with Sabrent Rocket NVMe 4.0, 1TB - no temp reporting (as all others have reported). Since this is my primary drive and is known to run hot, I need to monitor. I've installed the Sabrent dashboard, which is fine but only does Sabrent - obviously not good. Looks like I'll try out the other suggestions - many thanks to those who shared them.

On 30/07/2021 at 11:57, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Hi Andavari:

		What would you suggest as a Speccy alternative?

		I've shown &lt;<a href="<___base_url___>/topic/56887-no-ssd-nvm-info/?do=findComment&amp;comment=318779" rel="">above</a>&gt; that <a href="" rel="external nofollow">CrystalDiskInfo</a> is able to read the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of my NVMe SSD and I normally use <a href="" rel="external nofollow">Farbar Recovery Scan Tool</a> (FSRT) and/or <a href="" rel="external nofollow">Belarc Advisor Free</a> for diagnosing problems on my own computer...

Further to my July 2021 post, I just realized that CrystalDiskInfo is not displaying the Current / Worst / Threshold columns (i.e., shown as percentages from 100 to 0 %) for the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of my NVMe SDD. I didn't realize that information was missing until I read a recent a CrystalDiskInfo review in Deanna McElveen's weekly "Best Utilities" column in the AskWoody Plus newsletter. This newsletter is behind a paywall but Deanna McElveen has posted screenshots on her website <here> that shows what the main interface should look like - at least for SATA HDDs. I've posted further details in the 15-Nov-2021 discussion Freeware Spotlight – CrystalDiskInfo (where I also post as user lmacri), and as I noted in post # 2401622, my best guess right now is that CrystalDiskInfo can't display the Current / Worst / Threshold columns for my S.M.A.R.T. attributes because I have an Intel Chipset PCIe/SATA RST Premium Controller (which is not on CrystalDIskInfo's list <here> of supported controllers).


I also found a 13-Nov-2021 post &lt;<a href="" rel="external nofollow">here</a>&gt; by <a href="" rel="external nofollow">HWiNFO</a> developer Martin Malik that states:

<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		“<em>NVMe drives don’t report attributes like ATA drives do via SMART, moreover many SMART attributes are not standardized. <strong>Some tools create “fake” SMART values from NVMe status so that it looks as if NVMe would report the same sort of SMART attributes</strong>.</em>“

HWiNFO only shows a short list of S.M.A.R.T. attributes with a Yes/No status for my NVMe SSD (see image below) so that makes me suspect that data for many of the S.M.A.R.T. attributes for NVMe SSDs in some hardware diagnostic utilities could be inaccurate.



64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H1 build 19043.1348 * Firefox v94.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v.4.18.2110.6-1.1.18700.4 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.4.11.149-1.0.1513 * Speccy Portable v1.32.740 * CrystalDiskInfo Portable v8.12.13 * HWiNFO Portable v7.14

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

Then I'd recommend if available download the official SSD toolbox from the SSD manufacturer, oddities that some tools list shouldn't be an issue with the added bonus of being able to get firmware updates.

Big major manufacturers such as Toshiba (now Kioxia) would likely have an SSD toolbox. I know for sure ADATA/XPG (same company and brand), Crucial/Micron (same company and brand), Samsung, SanDisk/Western Digital ("WD") (same company and brand) all have an SSD toolbox, as well as some other brand name drive manufacturers.

3 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Then I'd recommend if available download the official SSD toolbox from the SSD manufacturer, oddities that some tools list shouldn't be an issue with the added bonus of being able to get firmware updates.  Big major manufacturers such as Toshiba (now Kioxia) would likely have an SSD toolbox....

Hi Andavari:

KIOXIA offers a SSD management utility at for their EXCERIA line of personal SSD products, but my Inspiron 5584 shipped with a Toshiba/KIOXIA KBG40ZNS256G NVME SSD, which is part of their BG4 line of client SSDs.

As far as I know, firmware updates for Toshiba/KIOXIA clients SSDs like the BG4s are not available for download from the KIOXIA site (instead, they are sent directly to computer manufacturers like Dell, and after certification they are posted on the Dell support page <here> for my Inspiron 5584). I also don't know of any SSD management utility for their BG4 line of client SSDs that is available to the general public. I submitted a support request today to KIOXIA at just to confirm and will post back if that information is wrong.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H1 build 19043.1348 * Firefox v94.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v.4.18.2110.6-1.1.18700.4 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.4.11.149-1.0.1513 * Speccy Portable v1.32.740 * CrystalDiskInfo Portable v8.12.13 * HWiNFO Portable v7.14

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

On 23/11/2021 at 09:35, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Further to my July 2021 post, I just realized that CrystalDiskInfo is not displaying the <strong>Current / Worst / Threshold</strong> columns (i.e., shown as percentages from 100 to 0 %) for the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of my NVMe SDD ....

		... HWiNFO only shows a short list of S.M.A.R.T. attributes with a Yes/No status for my NVMe SSD (see image below) so that makes me suspect that data for many of the S.M.A.R.T. attributes for NVMe SSDs in some hardware diagnostic utilities could be inaccurate ...

User following this thread might be interested in reading Ben Meyer's 07-Feb-2022 article Our World is Not Very S.M.A.R.T. About SSDs in this week's AskWoody free (and paid) newsletter, which focuses on a utility called Clear Disk Info. My 30-Dec-2021 post # 2409451 in response to one of Ben's older newsletter articles on this topic compares my Clear Disk Info diagnostic report to those from other utilities like HWiNFO (see my HWiNFO image <above>), CrystalDiskInfo and Speccy but many of the images I attached in that Dec 2021 thread can't be viewed unless you log in to the AskWoody forum, so here's a re-post of my Clear Disk Info image. One nice feature of the Clear Disk Info user interface is that it has a Description column that describes each S.M.A.R.T. attribute shown in the report.


On 23/11/2021 at 16:42, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Then I'd recommend if available download the official SSD toolbox from the SSD manufacturer, oddities that some tools list shouldn't be an issue with the added bonus of being able to get firmware updates. Big major manufacturers such as Toshiba (now Kioxia) would likely have an SSD toolbox....

Hi Andavari:

Further to my 23-Nov-2021 post <above> KOXIA EMEA (Europe, Middle East and Africa) customer service eventually responded but told me that they could not provide assistance to customers outside their region and asked me to contact the KOXIA USA/Americas customer service at Unfortunately, the customer support from the KOXIA USA/Americas division ignored my support request, and I can't find any SSD utilities on their USA/Americas support site at, let alone a utility that's compatible with my BG4 series model KBG40ZNS256G client SSD.


64-bit Win 10 Pro v21H2 build 19044.1466 * Firefox v96.0.3 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.2111.5-1.1.18800.4 * Malwarebytes Premium v4.5.2.157-1.0.1562 * HWiNFO Portable v7.16-4650 * Clear Disk Info v2.3.2.0

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

I have some inquiries if it’s not too much trouble ??, guide me about this. These inquiries are displayed underneath here??

Sitting tight for most appropriate response straightaway. I’m excessively confounded here.

Please do not post duplicate threads, it just gets confusing for everyone.

Your link is to an old thread, do you have a question of your own?

If so them please start a new thread of your own.

Just an FYI for users following this topic that a new Speccy v1.33 with an updated hardware library was released on 12-Jun-2024. Unfortunately, v1.33 still cannot read the S.M.A.R.T. attributes of my Toshiba NVMe SSD - see the image I posted 26-Jun-2024 in my topic Can't Find Speccy Portable v1.32 Download Link on Builds Page.


<span style="font-size:11px;">64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4529 * Firefox v127.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24050.7-1.1.24050.5 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.5.116-1.0.1252 * Speccy Free Portable v1.33.075

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

One of the issues could be that it's a client SSD installed by manufacturers which isn't available "off the shelf", so devs of smart tools don't have one available for testing. Another free tool is GSmartControl, it has a built-in database update feature which does eventually add new drives.

2 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		One of the issues could be that it's a client SSD installed by manufacturers which isn't available "off the shelf", so devs of smart tools don't have one available for testing.

Hi Andavari:

That doesn't explain why other free hardware diagnostic tools I use, including HWiNFO and CrystalDiskInfo, are able to display the S.M.A.R.T attributes of my Toshiba NVMe SSD (see images below).

Are you saying that the latest Speccy v1.33.075 (rel. 12-Jun-2024) can display the S.M.A.R.T attributes of most "off the shelf" NVMe SSDs?




<span style="font-size:11px;">64-bit Win 10 Pro v22H2 build 19045.4529 * Firefox v127.0.2 * Microsoft Defender v4.18.24050.7-1.1.24050.5 * Malwarebytes Premium v5.1.5.116-1.0.1252 * Speccy Free Portable v1.33.075 * HWiNFO Portable v8.04-5470 * CrystalDiskInfo Portable v9.3.2

Dell Inspiron 15 5584, Intel i5-8265U CPU, 8 GB RAM, 256 GB Toshiba KBG40ZNS256G NVMe SSD, Intel UHD Graphics 620</span>

8 hours ago, Andavari said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Another free tool is <a href="" rel="external nofollow">GSmartControl</a>, it has a built-in database update feature which does eventually add new drives.

That one is great! But the stable release doesn't support NVMe drives, they didn't want to add NVMe support until the smatrmontools had a stable interface to output data for those. They have been working on it, but last I checked nighties wouldn't run and building it for Windows wasn't pain-free.

5 hours ago, lmacri said:
<div class="ipsQuote_contents">
		Are you saying that the latest Speccy v1.33.075 (rel. 12-Jun-2024) can display the S.M.A.R.T attributes of most "off the shelf" <strong>NVMe</strong> SSDs?

I don't think it can, I don't use Speccy but I just ran it in a machine that uses the built-in miniport driver for NVMe (StorNVMe.sys) and the same text appears: S.M.A.R.T. not supported. If it can't display those detail when using that driver, I find it unlikely for it to be able to when vendor drivers are used, like Intel's RST/VMD.

Lucky for us, there's no shortage of programs that can do it ?, perhaps in a newer release they implement support for it, although seeing threads about it already 4 years ago, I wouldn't hold out hope.