No sound, no audio device after install of Speccy

Not a complaint; info for you on the off-chance it will be useful to you.

Your organisation does the public a great service and, should you want me to do a few hundred words expressing the specifics let me know…

Speccy info published to:

Here's the problem I had, which began minutes after the install of Speccy and disappeared after the uninstall.

Note: about two hours prior to installing Speccy I had changed the following registry setting:

To Disable Hibernate



Type in 0 (zero), and click/tap on OK.

Close regedit, and restart the computer to apply the changes.

No sound.

Notification area displayed the ‘volume’ icon with a white x in a red ball.

Clicking brought me the message that one of the services depended upon was not available.

Event info:

The Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service terminated with the following error:

The RPC server is unavailable.

The Windows Audio service depends on the Windows Audio Endpoint Builder service which failed to start because of the following error:

The operation completed successfully.

When I tried to ‘start’ it: Failed to started because RFC was not available.

Further exploration: “No audio device is installed” although it was ‘working properly’ per Windows.

The time of the event was within minutes if not seconds from install of Speccy, just downloaded from Periform a few minutes prior.

Speccy was not listed in my ‘installed programs’ so I used your uninstall.

Still didn’t fix the sound issue which, when I tried to reinstall the driver, gave me an error code:

Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - InstallShield Wizard

Install Realtek HD Audio Driver Failure!!

(Error Code: [0x00000103]

I use eRunt so I initiated a recovery from two days prior and the audio came back.

I know this is bereft of detail however a few addtional crumbs are noted below.

Please don’t hesitate to ask for whatever would help; I’m fairly computer literate after 45 years or so of helping others, fixing my own issues, etc.

HiJack This log? Services detail? Registry files? I have Nir Launcher installed (without sysinternals) or I can use a diag that you would prefer…

In face, I think that I’ll re-install Speccy, see if the problem reappears, add that info as well as what ever system details I can include as well.

Ok, did that, published the info to:

If the problem re-occurs I’ll so another snapshot and let you know…

Hope this helps!

Jim Harmon