No Option To Uninstall Defender From Vista

Seems a bit of confusion around, but in several posts I have read, and the one below, you can only disable Defender in Vista not uninstall it as it will be part of the operating system.;PostID=1108112

Typical. :rolleyes:

thats annoying for sure.didnt really like defender when i tried it

There may not be an "official" uninstall, however there's ways around that and I'm sure someone will create a tool probably commercial to unjunk Vista.

Thats one thing I dislike about Windows, some software just cant be uninstalled. =/

It would be nice to be able to uninstall Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger, Outlook Express, etc.

Its your computer, you should be able to choose what is installed on it, and what is not.

An operating system should operate according to your wishes, not its own or somebody else.

Thats one thing I dislike about Windows, some software just cant be uninstalled. =/

It would be nice to be able to uninstall Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Windows Messenger, Outlook Express, etc.

Its your computer, you should be able to choose what is installed on it, and what is not.

An operating system should operate according to your wishes, not its own or somebody else.
