I installed the latest version of CCeaner on my PC running XP SP2 and it seemed to work just fine. I backed up the registry via the program, but when it checked for problems and then found some, it seemed to clean them out. Which is good I suppose. But now I have no internet access at all. My computer will not reach out to my router and get its DHCP address and although I can hard code an ip address, gatway, etc I have no internet access. My other machines on the network can get to my computer so this is not a network card issue.
How do I fix this?
How do I restore my backed up registry?
Was files deleted? I did not see any mentiion of files being deleted.
My entire computer is not much more than a rock right now.
HELP!! I have to get here via my mac now and I hate this machine.
Have you tried ipconfig /renew at the command prompt? That works for me most of the time, but not always.
Goto Control Panel, and Services and make sure DHCP and that stuff is enabled or something.
Have you tried ipconfig /renew at the command prompt? That works for me most of the time, but not always.
Yes I have, it did not help.
Goto Control Panel, and Services and make sure DHCP and that stuff is enabled or something.
In Windows XP, that is all done via the TCP/IP setting in the network Config. I am all setup that way. Something in CCleaner did something. I cannot tell what it is.
What about the answers to my other questions.
In Windows XP, that is all done via the TCP/IP setting in the network Config. I am all setup that way. Something in CCleaner did something. I cannot tell what it is.
What about the answers to my other questions.
CCleaner users have been reporting this problem recently. The problem hasn't been identified as of yet. Nor has it been confirmed that the problem is CCleaner.
The dhcp connection problem that you are experiencing happens to be a common problem in general. I see it all the time on other forums.
You did not answer my question. Did you type ipconfig /renew (space after ipconfig) at the command prompt? When I am experiencing your problem that is what I do to fix it.
DHCP thread
This is the thread where others have been reporting the same issue.
PC Infoman.
I have no knowledge of your problem but have just read the below bit on a help page, but perhaps you have already done this.
The most common wired Ethernet configuration, for both home and work, is a DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) server that automatically assigns IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. This is perhaps the simplest connection method, as well as the least likely to cause problems. When you connect to an Ethernet network with DHCP, all of the essential properties are automatically configured for you.
If you cannot connect using DHCP, there are two common possible problems, and they share the same solution. Your laptop may be holding onto an old IP address or other configuration parameters assigned from a previous connection, or your laptop can?t find the DHCP server and is using a self-assigned IP instead. To remedy either problem, you can force your laptop to release and renew the configuration information.
In Windows XP, right-click My Network Places, either on the Desktop or in the Start menu, and select Properties from the pop-up menu. Right-click the Local Area Connection icon and select Status from the pop-up menu. Select the Support tab and click Repair. This will release and renew your IP lease, flush your DNS (Domain Name Server) cache, register your connection with the DNS service, and perform a few additional housekeeping tasks.
To remedy either problem, you can force your laptop to release and renew the configuration information.
Thank you Hazelnut!
This is what I am talking about. But using the repair option isn't as helpful for some reason.
Start > Run > (type) cmd
1. (type) ipconfig /release (space after ipconfig)
2. press ENTER
3. (type) ipconfig /renew (space after ipconfig)
4. press ENTER
This will renew your DHCP connection.
krit86lr, yes I did do an "ipconfig /release" and "ipconfig /renew". The release works fine, but when I renew I get an error that says:
An error occurred while renewing interface Local Area Connection. An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.
hazelnut, I followed your instructions:
When I do that, I get an error that says:
Windows could not finish repairing the problem the following action cannot be completed.
Renewing your IP address
I checked the other machines on the network and they are all using dhcp and working fine.
Again I wish to note that it was working fine for months then I ran Ccleaner and now it does not work anymore.
BTW, thank you for all the help you are providing. I appreciate the fact that there are still people in this world willing to help.
OK, I just found out that this error was caused by a corrupt winsock and typing in
netsh winsock reset
will fix the corruption. A reboot is required.
However, after doing this, I was able to connect to the dhcp server and get an address, but I still cannot get on the internet.
I can get to places via the ip address, but not via the www. I changed my dns servers to 2 different ones (both are known to work) and neither of them are working.
BTW, that answers was at http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=811259
OK, when I followed ALL THE INSTRUCTIONS on the Miscrosoft website (not just the netsh command), it solved the problem.
Thank you all for your help. I hope that the link I provided and the knowledge of reading and following all the instructions, helps others solve this issue.
CCleaner may oor may have not corrupted my winsock, but this is the solution.
OK, I just found out that this error was caused by a corrupt winsock and typing in
Yep. I must say though that I wouldn't have thought of a winsock error off of the top of my head. Thank you for taking the time to share your solution. It's very helpful for others. ![:D]()
Well, I have been doing internet tech support for many years now. Winsock is what makes TCP/IP work and TCP/IP is what allows/disallows traffic over the internet. Since I could work on the internal network (windows network not using tcp/ip) and not on the net, I got suspicious.
Anyhow, I cut and paste the exact error message into Google and up came the solution.
Well, I have been doing internet tech support for many years now. Winsock is what makes TCP/IP work and TCP/IP is what allows/disallows traffic over the internet. Since I could work on the internal network (windows network not using tcp/ip) and not on the net, I got suspicious.
Anyhow, I cut and paste the exact error message into Google and up came the solution.
You gotta love Google!
I'm glad that it was an easy fix.
You gotta love Google!
I'm glad that it was an easy fix.
Here is a easy fix for it. http://www.snapfiles.com/reviews/WinSock_X...nsockxpfix.html Its really good says 82 users. ![:D]()
Hello, just wanted to let you guys know that this problem is still occurring as of version 1.40.520. The instructions given in previous posts fix the problem. This is a pretty nasty problem, maybe posts 1, 9, 10, and 14 should be stickied under a [solution] thread or have a warning about it on the front page until it is fixed?