No audio after ccleaner

I ran ccleaner on registry and on some temporary files. That was this morning and I soon realized after that I had no sound (through headphones). The playback device shows up (only when headphones are plugged in) and it shows that audio is playing the mixer. I have tried different sets of headphones and verified they work. I restored the registry back up that was made, updated sound drivers, and have now done a system restore and nothing has helped. I have now gotten a message from windows that my BIOS is out of date so I updated that. I still can not get anything to work. Everything on the computer says it's working but I hear nothing. Any help on what might have happened?

Not to say you didn't, but I've never been informed by windows about a BIOS update, only from the actual manufacturer (such as the HP support app) and even then very rarely. Sadly without seeing the registry entries you removed and physically checking to see if, indeed, the entries were able to respawn in the registry when you merged it, i'm not sure where to start with this one.

Topic closed. poster already has a thread. @nstong if you feel I'm in error and you other thread is different please private message either myself or another moderator and we'll unclose this.

Can you get the "Master Volume" control on screen and make sure that none of the important settings have been muted by accident or whatever?

On my XP machine it's "Control Panel\Sounds and Audio Devices\Advanced"

I know the "Windows Audio" service can sometimes mysteriously become disabled even when set at "Automatic", or maybe one of it's dependencies and I'm not entirely sure what they are.

Possibly "Remote Procedure Call (RPC)" or "Plug and Play"? Anyways, worth looking into any services required by Windows sound and make sure they're all running.

One of the other guys may have some input if they can add to that.

Sigh topic reopened at my mistakeSee:

Oops, you are correct; I mistook this for @nstong's thread. I've reopened the thread belonging to him. (See folks this is what occurs from piggy backing on other people's threads (and also from tapatalk android app not properly showing quoted messages on this forum (and from me being a complete :censored: and not paying attention well enough, for which I apologize to @smsteger89 and nstong, as well as the entire community, profusely.)))