Nigerians after Ebay account details off your pc

There are a lot of Nigerian scams going on at the moment on ebay, but this one is a bit different.

On my local news today, a woman living not 20 miles from me had her computer hacked, and her email and ebay account details stolen.

It was a while before she realised this had happened because they had changed her password, and she thought it was a software error.

When the hijack was eventually discovered, a stack of purchases had been made on her account, and I mean a lot of purchases.

The best that can be ascertained at the moment, is that it originated in Nigeria.

Can`t find a news link for this, but I`ve no doubt we`ll hear this story repeated.


Can`t find a news link for this, but I`ve no doubt we`ll hear this story repeated.


Hang on. You give us no details of how they did it or how to prevent it and end the post with a smile?!?! :blink::P

Not a news link but a recent forum link about the same thing I suspect

Also an oldish link written in a very humerous style, even if it is for some people a sad subject

Hang on. You give us no details of how they did it or how to prevent it and end the post with a smile?!?! :blink::P

Yea, looking at it that way JD, it is a bit incomplete isn`t it.

Good job I don`t use ebay. :D

Seriously, I looked right through the web pages of my local TV stations before I posted, and couldn`t find a flaming thing on it, although I`m sure I sat and watched it on TV. :blink:

Not a news link but a recent forum link about the same thing I suspect

Also an oldish link written in a very humerous style, even if it is for some people a sad subject

That forum thread confirms that their are no limits to the gullibility of Joe Public.

And that second one:

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