Looks nice, worth a try anyway.
It's been on here a couple of times Hazel, and there was a wee discussion over the compulsary DRM conditions in its ULA. I think you were on holiday at the time.
Then about 5 or 6 months later, a DRM guy came on the forum explaining that was now removed.
It is a good player, but it never did the gapless playback thing for me, although this version has had a very recent update, and apparently can play Avi files while they're being downloaded.
I've never tried that with MPlayer. I would find it really useful to be able to tell the framerate of an Avi file before downloading the whole thing.
I would find it really useful to be able to tell the framerate of an Avi file before downloading the whole thing.
Here's one way that "may work":
1. Pause the download.
2. Go into your download folder. Copy then paste a duplicate. Then load the duplicate into your media player.
Mmmm, I'll try that this afternoon. I'll post back the result.
This has turned into a good thread for me Hazel. It's even easier than Andavari's idea, although cheers for that anyway.
I would never have thought to try playing an avi file while it was downloading.
I can drag an "active" part file into MPlayer, and it plays it no problem. I can then get the info I need, check the quality even, and continue with the download or bin it. Great stuff.