Nice and relaxing.

Just click on the 'Live Dawn Chorus Birdsong Stream' here

This is so nice Hazel. :) Especially on a Spring-like day we have here today. There were tons of birds chirping outside early this morning.

This is so nice Hazel. :) Especially on a Spring-like day we have here today. There were tons of birds chirping outside early this morning.

We have a long way to go before we hear those welcome sounds although it is a balmy 12C outside now and most of the snow has been washed away by all the rain we had but we do have a few hardy Starlings about.

Rainy here at 39F. Can't say I'm complaining! High of 50F tomorrow. B)

I've been playing this track for the past few hours. Quite nice indeed.

This is so nice Hazel. :) Especially on a Spring-like day we have here today. There were tons of birds chirping outside early this morning.

Agreed. What town are you in? I'm home this week for college.


Sorry, I make it a point not to give out my town on message boards. I'm on the CT shore.

I listened to the birds on WMP for hours this morning. So now I try 3 different online classical music stations and they're all playing opera and I figure, what the hey, I'm listening to birds again now. I'd rather hear birds than opera. I'd rather hear jets take off than opera.

I'd rather hear jets take off than opera.
The best part is when the Fat Lady sings as one can leave quietly to avoid the mad dash to the parking lot.

I always longed for a small portable recording of loud glass shattering that I could play during peak moments of opera.

Another nice day here in central CT. (LOL....imitating Corona ...shhh .... don't tell!!! About 60 degrees, and mostly sunny.