It may be in the beginner's guide or in a forum, but I don't see it. I'd like to recover a folder at the root level of an external hard drive, but it doesn't show up, even as damaged, when I do a deep scan for files of type "other" using an extended scan. How do you specify a folder, which has no extension? It's a directory, but I don't see that as a type of file to choose from. Thanks.
Welcome to Pirform squarepegger.
It may be in the beginner's guide or in a forum, but I don't see it. I'd like to recover a folder at the root level of an external hard drive, but it doesn't show up, even as damaged, when I do a deep scan for files of type "other" using an extended scan. How do you specify a folder, which has no extension? It's a directory, but I don't see that as a type of file to choose from. Thanks.
We had a similar question the other week.
I won't recover the folder only the files that were in it. You just make you own folder and recover them to it. It will also depend if you have written to any files or moved files around on your drive whether the chance of recovering is excellent.