Hi from Tom B the newbie. (piriform Lounge)
Hazelnut sent me!
Thanks to Hazelnut for starting me off with ?how to ?questions in the lost restore pointers topic area.
I have some general questions about how to use the forum.
1.There are two reply buttons.
One just under a post, REPLY and one lower down Add REPLY,
When do I use each?
I understand that fast reply will not repeat the question.
I understand how to use new topic.
I think Add Reply will create a new post after the last post. ( And will repeat the original post)
How does REPLY work?
When I used it I did not see my post?
Did it only go to the person who posted the note that I replied to?
2. When do I use Quote?
3. How do I get an e-mail when a new post is posted for a TOPIC not the whole Forum?
4. To the left of the list of forums are things like Pinned, and a pair, and smiles, etc.
5. Where is there a list of their meanings?
6. Is there a QUICK TOUR of the general usage of the forum?
7 .When I signed up to Bleeping Computer forum the sign up page looked like this CClean sign up page.
Are they connected? Or do they use the same basic program?
I tried to use the same password but it did not work.
8. How do I get the spell check to work? ( I get an error ie spell not detected) (OK does not fix it?)
9. Post Options, Enable email notification of replies? Does this send me an email if I get a reply to this post?
Thanks in advance for your help. Tom B the Newbie.