I'm trying to recover some of the ~1800 files on an sd card from my camera. Running a deep scan, Recuva says it has found like 680 of them and is ignoring 1120 of them.
What does "ignored" mean? Can I run it again and it might find them?
Also: does recovering the files in any way damage or destroy them from the sd card?
The ignored files are mainly non-deleted files and zero length files. You can see these by switching to Advanced Mode and checking the requisite boxes in Options/Actions, should you want to.
Recovery does not affect the deleted files on the card (but other things might). You can recover the files as many times as you want. (Other things means that the card controller might be performing garbage collection or wear levelling etc that can destroy deleted files on a flash device. This will happen as long as the card is receiving power.)
Thanks so much. I checked almost every checkbox for the most thorough search and then ran it. It found like a third of the files and ignored the rest. Later, I ran the scan again and it found all of the files, with zero ignored, so I did the recover. Relief!
Here's another mystery, though... It was an 8gb sd card. The size of the recovery was 15 gb, and it included a bunch of mp3s which may or may not have been on the card and maybe we wiped it to put in my camera. So, somehow or other it recovered not only the pics but also the mp3s (which I recognize as mine from my other disks)? My math is terrible. I can't even speculate how much of what things there were. But there it is.