New Windows downloads 07/03/2008

Hi Gang,

I don't know what is up.I was working at my PC early this AM and it seemed to slow down.So I checked Task Manager and found Windows updates was doing something but I didn't get any messages about any updates.

I visited Microsoft Updates and checked for any and it said nothing available.

Just awhile ago I was checking out this at MS downloads and found many downloads for 07/03/2008 for WinXP SP3 and even a new

P.S. Windows Installer 4.5 available plus some others for IE7 and others.

Anyone else with some info on this?;DisplayLang=en

Best wishes,

:) davey

P.S. This is of interest for those who have updated to SP3 about known issues.;DisplayLang=en

For me there was 1 Windows XP security update, but no Windows Installer 4.5. I have SP2.

Edit: Well, i installed this Windows Installer 4.5 manually.

If you want to know/confirm, what version of Windows Installer are you using, you can check it from MSI.DLL, which is located in System32 directory.