How do you tell when you did your last clean-up? Also, a microsoft article suggest disabling unchecking the prefetch folder as deleting the contents can slow down performance. The link to the articles is:
How do you tell when you did your last clean-up? Also, a microsoft article suggest disabling unchecking the prefetch folder as deleting the contents can slow down performance. The link to the articles is:
I don't think there is a way. Oh actually if when you clean you also do a registry clean via issues and make a backup, look at the date and time the back was created.
How do you tell when you did your last clean-up? Also, a microsoft article suggest disabling unchecking the prefetch folder as deleting the contents can slow down performance. The link to the articles is:
Don't be fooled by that website. It contains a lot of false propaganda and the kid who made it is no Microsoft employee.
This isn't my quote, but as for Prefetch ...
"Prefetch, introduced in Windows XP, stores specific data about the apps. you run in order to help them start faster. Prefetch is an algorithm that helps anticipate cache misses, and stores data on the hard-disk for easy retrieval.
The data is located in \Windows\Prefetch, and periodically clearing out the data in this folder (eg. once a month) will improve performance. As new apps are subsequently started, new prefetch data will be created, which may mean slightly reduced performance at first. But with old entries gone, Windows should be able to locate the data it actually needs more quickly.
...deleting Prefetch may increase bootime slightly, but only the next time you boot."
I agree, not only to I delete from CC, but once(-ish) a month, I delete the complete contents of the Prefetch folder without any probs.