new user- can not recover newer deleted files

Have tried to recover image files from sd card. Had dropped camera on hard surface and it was damaged beyond repair. When I inserted card in computer, no images were found. Tried recover files using Recuva. It found files from trip made in 2008 but not the more recent images made in 2012. Any ideas about what happened to the more recent files?

Have tried to recover image files from sd card. Had dropped camera on hard surface and it was damaged beyond repair. When I inserted card in computer, no images were found. Tried recover files using Recuva. It found files from trip made in 2008 but not the more recent images made in 2012. Any ideas about what happened to the more recent files?

I did use the advance deep scan option

Who's to say without further examination of the card. I know that's not the answer you want to hear. But it is what it is.

Lots of questions to start with. Camera on when it was dropped? Was the camera's buffer writing at the time it was dropped? What kind of physical damage to the card? What kind of card? What kind of camera? Were files stored on the card or camera? Dumb question, but still.. All these and more need to be asked since I can't examine the card firsthand.

In almost all situations like this pro recovery services are needed.

Who's to say without further examination of the card. I know that's not the answer you want to hear. But it is what it is.

Lots of questions to start with.

Camera on when it was dropped? yes

Was the camera's buffer writing at the time it was dropped? don't know

What kind of physical damage to the card? none

What kind of card? Lexor SD

What kind of camera? Nikon - don't know model -

Were files stored on the card or camera? jpeg

Hope the files were stored on camera since there is only an empty Nikon folder on the card. Really trying to help a friend out; not my camera. Just thought it curious that several of the recovery programs found the older pictures (that had been erased) and not the newer ones.

Dumb question, but still.. All these and more need to be asked since I can't examine the card firsthand.

In almost all situations like this pro recovery services are needed.

Well, if the camera was on, there could be file corruption. And perhaps the pictures are stored in camera. That's hard to guess at without an in-person examination of the card and data structures.

Does the camera power up? Can you access the internal memory as a disk via usb?

Just to add a suggestion following on from the info Keatah gleaned from you ...

Just thought it curious that several of the recovery programs found the older pictures (that had been erased) and not the newer ones.

Have you tried scanning for "non deleted files"?


Thanks for the suggestions. It was as we suspected for some reason the images were stored on the cameras internal memory. Recuva is a great tool and this form has been very helpful!

Most excellent.. Have a good one!