New to Defraggler


I use a Sony Vaio NS11 laptop, OS Vista home premium with 4GB RAM, and was not convinced that the Windows defragmenter was doing anything, having scheduled it for once weekly over the 14 months I have owned this PC.

Having been impressed by CCleaner, I thought I would anylyse the hard drive with Defraggler which showed 55% fragmentation, which confirmed my fear that Windows wasn'r doing its job. I ran the standard defragmentation which resulted in a measly reduction of frangemst to 45%.

This seemed poor.

I thought I would share my thoughts rather than try defragmenting again - which may be harmful to the system.



I actually think the Windows defragging tool is fairly good the problem is you cannot select individual files or folders to defrag.

Defragging in Windows is done by moving files from one location to another, for this to be success you will need contiguous free space to accommodate the files.

A file system running low on disk space isn't good, therefore clearing out the browser cache, temporary files and recycle bin would help.

Also some files / folders are locked by the Operating System and cannot be touched such as c:\pagefile.sys and "C:\System Volume Information\" (System Restore).

You can purge SVI by disabling and enabling the System Restore and using PageDefrag (but you much disable UAC to install it).

Richard S.

I actually think the Windows defragging tool is fairly good the problem is you cannot select individual files or folders to defrag.

Defragging in Windows is done by moving files from one location to another, for this to be success you will need contiguous free space to accommodate the files.

A file system running low on disk space isn't good, therefore clearing out the browser cache, temporary files and recycle bin would help.

Also some files / folders are locked by the Operating System and cannot be touched such as c:\pagefile.sys and "C:\System Volume Information\" (System Restore).

You can purge SVI by disabling and enabling the System Restore and using PageDefrag (but you much disable UAC to install it).

Richard S.

Thank you Richard S

Does that mean that you would recommend Defraggling indidvidual files from the 45% LEFT AFTER THE FIRST ATTEMPT? Or could it be that this 45% are all "locked" system files?


Can you include a screenshot of Defraggler that includes both the graphical display of your hard drive and the contents of the file list tab?

If not, have a look at the file list. If you see files like hyberfil.sys, pagefile.sys and System Volume Information, you won't be able to defrag those with Defraggler.

You can defrag hyberfil and pagefile by sequentially deleting and reinitializing the applications. Let me know if you need help with anything. :)

Defraggers report % of fragmentation differently.

I'm not sure how Windows works but it seems to report that no defrag is necessary regardless so I'm not sure how reliable it is. Defraggler includes files like hyberfil.sys, pagefile.sys and System Volume Information even though it can't defrag them so its % is always higher.