New to CCleaner

Hi Everyone,

New to this and I've just downloaded ccleaner. I have no clue what I should or should not keep in details of file to be deleted. My first scan of Analysis IE Temp Internet Files (647 files) 9.37 MB. A lot of these are cookies or temp, but some are C:\WINDOWS\system32\wbem\LOGS\Framework.log49.,47KB . There are spybot and ad-aware log files too. I'm afraid I will delete something I will need, or worse mess up my computer. I am not a wiz at this so if you can make it as simple as possible, I'd appreciate any help. Thanks, NJshoremum

Hello and welcome to the forum :) !

It should be safe to delete all those files. The log files are created by varous programs and are generally used for troubleshooting if a problem appears. If you are not having any problems with the programs the logs refer to feel free to delete them. If they are needed in the future, they will be recreated. [i always have various wbem logs and always delete them.]

Don't be alarmed by the large amount of files found, this is normal the first time CCleaner is run.

If you have XP, you could create a Restore Point before cleaning for reassurance, but it's usually not neccessary but it doesn't hurt either.

Again welcome to the forum and feel free to ask questions whenever you have them.

PS: I grew up in the NJ metropolis of Denville. if you know where that is :D !

Thanks Mike for your fast reply & the warm welcome. I'll try the restore point and hope for the best. Seems every day I'm getting files added to my puter. Last virus scan was at 160,000 files. Is that more than we need? lol Thanks again!

P.S. I know where Denville is, we have family all over Jersey.

Glad I could help. You'll find CCleaner is safe and effective. Look around the forums if you get time. You can learn a lot from the people here. I sure have. And feel free to contribute as well.

I like the lighthouse. Cape May is a really nice place. Hope to go there again sometime and find more Cape May diamonds. Maybe not while the horseshoe crabs are washing up all over, LOL!.

Take care!

PS: 160.000 files? OMG!

Last virus scan was at 160,000 files. Is that more than we need?

Not if you have a use for the files! I'm pretty close to having that amount of files, and probably will very shortly.

Thanks Mike & Andavari for the help & reply. I ran the cleaner this morning & I'm still here. lol

I've read some of the forums and it really helps. Will continue to check back on here often.

Take care! :)

Not if you have a use for the files! I'm pretty close to having that amount of files, and probably will very shortly.