new system restore point

I,ve done this before. & now I can,t remember how to since i have all the new updates installed. I would like to set a new point. thanks for any help. Cowboy

Start > All programs > Accessories> System tools > System restore. Create a new restore point . Name it > ok.

Hello there cowboy,

Go to start>programs>accessories>system tools>system restore.

Pick the option for setting a system restore point and click next.

Choose a name for the restore point so you can find it easy if you need to, and click on create. Click close to finish

EDIT. Woody beat me to it!

EDIT. Woody beat me to it!


Done, simple enough. I just couldn,t remember . Thankyou woody & hazelnut for your quick replys. have a good day. Cowboy

And if you want to remove all older restore points and only keep the newest one run Disk Cleanup then select the More Options tab, and lastly at the bottom under System Restore press Clean up.

Thanks Andavari for the added info. one question tho . since I recently did a clean install of windows XP home SP2 would I even have any previous restore points, as I have not created any since? just curious. thanks cowboy

you could take a look.

just go to the system restore point creator but instead of creating a new one, click restore my computer back to a previous time.

that will show you what restore points you have and when they were set.

Thanks Andavari for the added info. one question tho . since I recently did a clean install of windows XP home SP2 would I even have any previous restore points, as I have not created any since? just curious. thanks cowboy

Do you mean a reinstall, where you keep all your files? Or a complete format + reinstall of windows? For both cases, your old restore points will probably be unusable (definitely unusable for the second choice, obviously)

Well a fresh XP install would have gobs of restore points as soon as Windows Updates are successfully installed. All those "Software Distribution 2.0" restore points, or something along those lines on a fresh install are pretty much useless because there's no reason to undo XP critical security updates. And since I'm a fanboy of ERUNT I can tell you that its registry backups can and will save a system in some cases when system restore fails to restore the system to a previous state.

Ok I,ve found about 10 restore points . 1 even after I created one, There called system checkpoints, So if I try to delete them will I maybe loose the one I created ? And Andavari what is that Erunt You talked about ? something I might need ? I looked at the website & description but it,s way over My head as far as description of what it does. I have (windows advantage care), (fixit six utilities) & of coarse ccleaner, All of which have registry cleaners that are safe for me to use. Do I need More ? Thanks again. Cowboy

ERUNT is a registry backup program.

Some more info/usage of it:

How to restore the ERUNT registry backups:1. Open the folder with the date you want to restore  the Windows registry to.2. Run the file named ERDNT.EXE from that folder.3. You will be asked to restart Windows, do so  immediately when prompted. When your computer  starts the registry will be restored.----------Why use the ERUNT and the ERUNT registry backups?- Backup is simple and very fast.- Restoration is simple and very fast.- You'll have a known good backup of the registry.- Completely restoring the registry is an easy way to get rid of problematic software.- Allows you to try out trial software for a few hours, then uninstall it, followed by restoring the registry. This way you can try out software and completely remove it's traces from the Windows registry.- Windows XP System Restore doesn't necessarily completely restore the registry to a previous point, hence it takes into account certain changes. If you've installed some software that has really caused you severe problems, System Restore "may" or "may not" help.----------How many ERUNT registry backups should I keep?- It's recommended that you maintain at least five to seven backups, as it can take several days before you realize an installed program is causing problems on your system.- You should create a backup everyday if you don't have ERUNT configured to automatically make daily backups on its own.----------How big are the ERUNT registry backups? To find out right click a backup folder and select properties. Since the Windows XP registry is huge even if you don't have allot of software installed the backups will use allot of disk space really fast if you create too many backups.----------How do I remove old backups I no longer need? Right click the folder containing the backup you no longer wish to keep and select delete. The backup will be sent to the Recycle Bin where you can permanently delete it.----------I don't want to delete the backups, but how canI make the backups smaller? Use your installed ZIP software right click each folder individually and ZIP them, this will greatly reduce the filesize. You can then delete each of the raw uncompressed backup folders. To restore the registry using a compressed backup just extract it into a temporary working folder such as C:\TEMP and then delete the extracted files after ERUNT restarts your system after restoring the Windows registry.