New locations of TIF, History and Cookies

How does the following affect how CCleaner works considering the recent change with perhaps a Windows update that made some drastic change?

After Windows Updates (2/26/2014) made several changes to my WinXPSP3/IE8 system, I find there are:

Temporary Internet files are now shared between two places viewed through WinXPSP3 Explorer.
They were, days before, in the usual place:

"%UserProfile%\Settings/Temporary Internet Files. The TIF folder is still there but another TIF folder has now been created in the "%UserProfile%/Local Settings/TEMP folder.

Not only has this extra TIF folder been created in the TEMP folder but also another COOKIES and HISTORY folder. Starting with the HISTORY folders. The original HISTORY folder is still opening and functioning as

usual I believe while the new HISTORY folder in the TEMP folder does nothing apparently not collecting new information.

Not so with the old and new COOKIES folders. Apparently the old COOKIES folder appears to have been abandoned and newer COOKIES now appear in the newly created TEMP/COOKIES folder.
Basically, the same applies to the TIF. The original folder exists as mentioned but not used since the new \TEMP\Temporary Internet files folder was created out of the blue and newer files downloaded are used the same way as the new COOKIES folder.
If I type each of these three commands in the browser Address Bar and press ENTER the old existing folder information is rendered and I know from the listing there were no changes to the system registry:



Seemingly, it appears the former Cookies and TIF file location has been abandoned by my system and I don't know whether CCleaner is aware of a change blamed on M$ since I made no changes.
Curiosity killed the cat.

An additional note is that I've tried on several occasions to use the IE8 options to move the Temporary Internet Files folder from the TEMP folder to another location. BUT, even though IE8 appears to move it during the current session -- at lease it shows the newer location, rebooting the computer and the settings in IE8 reads the TEMP folder once again not the location were I moved it. I've checked the system registry information for where I directed the TIF be moved and the information is correctly recorded.

The anomaly I've run across is that file names appear daily in both the TIF in the TEMP folder and the location where I suggested it be moved. But, using Windows search to see if a file name is in each of the locations and I've not found a single circumstance where the file name exists in both -- either one or the other.

I'm using win xp, IE 8, updated.

Here, everything seems to be where it has always been, So I cannot duplicate your situation.

Either I'm missing something or something else is going on there.

Cannot offer much help with the operation of CCleaner, but am wondering why you have those new locations.

On this computer now:

- Cannot find a directory called

%UserProfile%\Settings/Temporary Internet Files nor %UserProfile%/Settings/Temporary Internet Files

- A directory at

C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Temp

contains only a few small .tmp files.

- Temporary internet files are getting stored in

C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files

- All cookies are getting stored in

C:\Documents and Settings\Compaq_Owner\Cookies

- History is also where it has always been.

Edit: and CCleaner removed them all as usual.

Google found some references to portable apps storing things in the directory at

%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\temp and %USERPROFILE%\Application Data

Could that be what is doing it there?

Sounds similar to the very old IE bug from/in Win98 when it would automatically move the location of TIF.

The folder location marked in red doesn't exist on an XP install by default:


The location of TIF can be changed in IE by going into:

Note: You'll probably need to enable the view of Hidden Files and Folders in Folder Options before doing this.

1. In IE click Tools -> Internet Options.

2. Then in Browser History click Settings, and then click Move Folder to move it back into the default location.

Of course if you wish to change things more easily you can find the settings for those Shell Folders located in the registry at:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

Thanks for your input regardless of help or not.

I've been researching this for days since all this happened after several Windows Updates the end of February. Around the first of March I noticed that every site requiring log-in I had to do so manually since my resident Cookies wasn't recognized but had for months before.

I was curious later and had a look at the caches for TIF and Cookies where was pretty large and used CCleaner (v4.11.4619) to clean things up. As I was using Explorer to check the clean-up by CCleaner, I looked at the TEMP folder to see what was left over and found there were a History, Cookies and Temporary Internet Files folder that was never there before. The new Cookies and TIF folder were monitored for a couple of days and I found they were loaded with files but the History was void.

Using Explorer to access the old TIF (1703 files) and new TIF (1675 files) I ran CCleaner and the number after wards were 17 and 94. So, apparently CCleaner is aware of the two locations.

BTW, %USERPROFILE% is a windows environment variable which points to the Windows settings and documents folder that depicts c:\documents and settings\username\ mainly in the system registry -- I shouldn't have used that.

Since both the old and new locations are used by XP and/or IE8, neither the old or new folders can be deleted or moved. But, thank God everything seems to work as usual.

'owdy Andavari,

Yes, your right about the word "settings". I left off "local" I think. Thanks.

See my "Posted Yesterday, 05:17 PM" about the move of the TIF.

Yes, the location in the registry "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" shows the exact location where I directed IE8 to move the TIF folder. But, when starting my XPProSP3 system the next time the settings checked for the TIF location in IE8 it reveals the TEMP folder setting. The anomaly however is that even though the location is dipicted in IE8 as C:\Document and Settings\......\Local Settings\Temp\Temporary Internet Files, when using the "view files" option for the TIF, the directory which XP reveals in Explorer is the location where I directed the move to be made.

Some more follow up.

Using DOS, the TEMP\TIF contains one folder, "Content.IE5", and it contains four folders and two files:






Each of the above folders contain numerous files but do not contain an index.dat.
Using DOS, this is the TEMP folder listing:




Temporary Internet Files


When checking the History folder in Explorer it lists a History.IE5 folder which when clicked or double-clicked does nothing and you would assume that it contains no file or further folder information. Attributes on both the History and History.IE5 are hidden and system. The History folder properties show tabs as normal but the History.IE5 shows only the "General" tab. But, checking the History folder using DOS reveals:
A History.IE5 folder containing:








Each of the MSH... folders contain the desktop.ini and index.dat files only.
Using DOS, this is the folder and file listing for the "Content.IE5" folder where I moved the TIF using the "move folder" options in IE8:









Each of the folders listed above contain multiple files and Index.dat and desktop.ini.
But, checking the TIF folder in Explorer where the TIF folder was moved using the IE8 "move folders" option, the TIF folder viewed with Explorer lists a long list of files and does not consist of any other folder nor does a Desktop.ini or Index.dat file show. The next anomaly for the new TIF folder when viewing the "Properties" of the TIF folder shows only a "General" tab and not the normal General, Sharing, Security and Customize tabs that folders usually have.
An anomaly arises after using CCleaner to remove excess files from the TIF. Once CCleaner has been run, using Explorer to view the TIF folder, the "Content.IE" folder is visible and viewing it there are seven folders and the files Desktop.ini and Index.dat. Each folder can be viewed for their content. Checking the TIF folder properties now show all the appropriate tabs. But after a system reboot, the TIF folder changes to a long list of files only -- no folders or the Desktop.ini or Index.dat show.

After moving the TIF through the IE8 "move files" options, I deleted the TEMP\TIF folder. Can't do anything about the History or Cookies however. And, IE8 now does show the correct new TIF location and has ceased showing the location as the C:\ . .\TEMP\TIF folder as it once was.

These are the four "cache" registry locations that change when the Temporary Internet Files is moved using IE8 "move folder" option:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-527237240-1177238915-682003330-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-527237240-1177238915-682003330-1003\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

See the attachment which is another anomaly I just noticed after running CCleaner which shows many zero byte files left over as well as those not zero byte - note the file dates when today is March 12. This attachment could represent any of the other seven folders in Content.IE5 besides this attachment:
