Ok All. I am not sure what i did or how to fix it. I,m perty rattle brained ( as ussuall ). Bottom line. Netzero was the ONLY problem I had. I,m only keeping it because it,s the only chance for Me to get email out. & the puter only freezes when I have netzero enabled.
My new ISP ( which I love allready ) has set its mail to outlook express, I can receive email, but cannot send it. it says My user name or password is invalid.error 619) . When I try to email there tech support from net zero to resolve the matter. It refuses to send the mail. Go Figure.
I phoned the tech support & They helped Me set up the connection, yesterday without downloading anything but there accelerator. But I cant get everything connected to the same place. as in when I get a connection. I have to go to start & click on internet. It just shows a blue screen with a error sign on the bottom. Thats no problem. I can click on My favorites. or do a google search very quickly.
Then to open email I have to click on outlook express. It brings up the log on square which is set up exactly like they show on theyre website. I click OK & it continually keeps popping back up until it shows the error.
Then I can read the mail. but can,t send it. I have used hotmail before & dont like it. but I really need to be able to mail out without using netzero. Is there any safe options that could make things much simpler ?
I,m not trying to write a book, just providing as much info as possible. There phone tech support is tollfree. but closed on the weekends. Thanks again for any suggestions And Your time.
But mostly I cant beleive this is how a computer is supposed to work, & I,ve been fighting it for SO long thinking it was this or that. I know have all My protection enabled & windows updates turned back on, & even though the connection speed is not a whole lot faster. It sure seems like it to Me. Thanks again. Cowboy.
P.S I have also got involved in a class action suit against The old ISP , as of yesterday along with what appears to be 1000,s of others. Because the other problem seems to be cancelling theyre service, even after the contract is up. Later All