new isp

Ok All. I am not sure what i did or how to fix it. I,m perty rattle brained ( as ussuall ). Bottom line. Netzero was the ONLY problem I had. I,m only keeping it because it,s the only chance for Me to get email out. & the puter only freezes when I have netzero enabled.

My new ISP ( which I love allready ) has set its mail to outlook express, I can receive email, but cannot send it. it says My user name or password is invalid.error 619) . When I try to email there tech support from net zero to resolve the matter. It refuses to send the mail. Go Figure.

I phoned the tech support & They helped Me set up the connection, yesterday without downloading anything but there accelerator. But I cant get everything connected to the same place. as in when I get a connection. I have to go to start & click on internet. It just shows a blue screen with a error sign on the bottom. Thats no problem. I can click on My favorites. or do a google search very quickly.

Then to open email I have to click on outlook express. It brings up the log on square which is set up exactly like they show on theyre website. I click OK & it continually keeps popping back up until it shows the error.

Then I can read the mail. but can,t send it. I have used hotmail before & dont like it. but I really need to be able to mail out without using netzero. Is there any safe options that could make things much simpler ?

I,m not trying to write a book, just providing as much info as possible. There phone tech support is tollfree. but closed on the weekends. Thanks again for any suggestions And Your time.

But mostly I cant beleive this is how a computer is supposed to work, & I,ve been fighting it for SO long thinking it was this or that. I know have all My protection enabled & windows updates turned back on, & even though the connection speed is not a whole lot faster. It sure seems like it to Me. Thanks again. Cowboy.

P.S I have also got involved in a class action suit against The old ISP , as of yesterday along with what appears to be 1000,s of others. Because the other problem seems to be cancelling theyre service, even after the contract is up. Later All

What is your new ISP? Open Outlook Express and click Tools>Accounts>Properties>Servers and check to see if your Incoming and Outgoing servers are correct. I use PeoplePC and mine are the same for in and out. Net Zero can really screw up a computer. My brother used the free ISP they had five years ago for a couple of months and it kept screwing things up for months after he uninstalled it. He finally got mad and reformatted his computer to get rid of all traces of Net Zero.

Hey sniper, its I think I did what you said and evrything seems to be set right. but it shows like 8 different providers in there . should I just delete all those & start over. I really dont want to reformat now that everythings working & trust Me I can find netzero,s stuff & get rid of it. Once I have email. But thanks. Cowboy

Cowboy you may want to look at the below thread as well for removing NetZero to make sure it's gone:


Hey sniper, its I think I did what you said and evrything seems to be set right. but it shows like 8 different providers in there . should I just delete all those & start over. I really dont want to reformat now that everythings working & trust Me I can find netzero,s stuff & get rid of it. Once I have email. But thanks. Cowboy

Unless you purposely routed Gmail or some other account to Outlook, your cpu-net account should be the only one there. Try setting it up from scratch. Here is the link to cpu-net's Outlook Express set up instructions.

Thanks for the link Andavari . & sniper thats one of the links I brought up. & its different tham mine. I tried there xp one to . But none of those lil windows look the same as mine. I have windows home xp sp2. I have never used outlook express before but it shows 4 different & 5 of the same carriers in that box . Should and can I delete those & start over. thanks. Cowboy

All I can say cowboy is when I open the mail tab under internet accounts, I only have one listed. Those instructions look good on Andavari's link.

Hey hazelnut. I was looking under all I guess. 4 of them are under directory service. #1 active directory. #2 Bigfoot internet. #3 verisign internet. #4 whowhere internet . All show local internet network. & I have never used any of these. any idea what or where They came from & if I can remove them ? The only mail I have now is. listed as. - mail (default ) using dialer. As far as I know I dont even have a dialer. also when My ISP sent Me my user name, password, & email addy. it says When I got to there sight They say to use at least thats whats in those pics. Also I cant find the exact little setup windows like they say outlook express is supposed to have. Any Ideas. Thanks Cowboy

First off cowboy I have 5 listed in the ALL section so don't worry, Bigfoot, Verisign and my POP3 mail default.

Try ringing the freephone number they gave you and ask which one you put in the MAIL bit, is it .com or .net, then you will have it from the horses mouth so to speak!!

Makes sense . hazelnut, i was just trying to get it set up this weekend . & there closed. I,ll get it tomorow though. thanks again. Cowboy

Just when I thought I couldn,t POSSIBLY be any dumber. I proved myself wrong again. I have to assume the @vcmails I put in was just a sample address. I deleted it & added & Walla. it works. Now I can tell the old ISP how I really feel. Thanks again to all. I think I,m down to one more stupid question. I will post a new topic. If You aint All tired of Me yet. Cowboy

Just when I thought I couldn't POSSIBLY be any dumber. I proved myself wrong again. I have to assume the @vcmails I put in was just a sample address. I deleted it & added & Walla. it works. Now I can tell the old ISP how I really feel. Thanks again to all. I think I,m down to one more stupid question. I will post a new topic. If You ain't All tired of Me yet. Cowboy

I think the word "dud" comes into mind when I think of my own past computer experiences. It's just a learning process.

I'm smiling Cowboy 'cause we have all been there.

The second day I had a computer I had to download something to my desktop. I ended up ringing customer support to ask where my desktop was. "If you are looking at your computer now" he said "It's there"

"Where?" "I cannot see anything that says desktop"

So you see, as res45 says, it's all a learning curve!! :lol:

Hey cowboy, glad you got it worked out. Good going. Those things in Directory Service are just default address search sites that Outlook stuck in there. About as useless as teats on a boar, don't worry about them.