New driver feature suggests I update to older drivers ?!

Some of the driver updates suggested appear to be older, not newer as the version numbers are lower!


I have pointed devs to your post.

I'm getting the same issue.. geez.. at least you could compare version number.. is installed version is HIGHER how can it be an UPGRADE??


I have the same problem.



Hi @AdamClean @BenRiver@regalcars

Thanks for reaching out and flagging this. 

CCleaner development team is currently looking into this, rest be assured that we will keep you posted about the outcome.

I am having a similar problem older driver version numbers are shown as current

It seems to be only with my drivers for Intel(R) 6 Series/c200

Attaced is a screen shot of one of the items

It appears that the two driver versions involed are those in this example

Comment would be appreciated



image.thumb.png.2d8d17846d731ce24ddd060974ac702c.pngleaner development team

@rmths Heya, please email our team at so they could investigate this issue for you.