New disk Analyzer issues

I'm using v5.01.5075 64-bit under Windows 7.

I don't know whether to classify this as a bug or an oversight. When I use the new Disk Analyzer feature and select "Everything", it is failing to place many files into their proper categories in the results.

For example, I have about 12 gigs of old 3GP files on my drive, which are videos, but they are not recognized as "Video". They show up as "Other Files" instead. I have several thousand UC2 archive files, which are compressed with the old UltraCompressor by AIN. These should be showing up as "Compressed", but are not.

Is there somewhere, perhaps in the .ini file, where I can modify what CCleaner recognizes as the different file type categories? I'd like to add a handful of currently unrecognized extensions to make the analysis meaningful.

Also, I have low vision, and am having trouble seeing the nearly invisible scrollbars in the new interface. Light gray on white with no borders is rough for people with bad eyes!

Fixed title (funny but as I was typing it I twice made the same s=c typo that the original poster did :lol: )

Sorry about the typo. I couldn't change the title once it was sent.

I ended up dropping back to v4.19, because I have low vision, and could not see the scroll bars in the new version well enough to use it easily. I'd still like to know if there is a way to customize what the disk analyzer puts into each category. I'm sure they'll correct the accessibilty issues with the interface eventually, and I'll be wanting to upgrade again. Even if we can't modify what the program sees as videos, music, compressed, etc, they should at least add .3gp to the video category and .uc2 to the archive category.

+1 on the idea to control what file extensions get classified as various categories in the Disk Analyser report.

the .ini solution should be doable.

I guess in Piriform's defense, they simply cannot cater for every known extension currently (and potentially) available.