Network speeds to get big boost in coming years

Is this what we`re all waiting for ?

With everyone all psyched about downloading HD movies and CD-quality music and all that jazz, our trusty Ethernet cables are starting to look like they might not be up to the task. We want to be able to download multiple gigs of data in seconds, not minutes or hours! We are a society on the move, with places to go and people to see! Time is money!

I`m still working on changing my USB modem to ethernet. I will have to get my finger out. ;)

Read the article with other links here.






I keep reading/hearing that when this happens bandwith will no longer be charged monthly but by gigabytes.

If that happens my internet costs are going to by sky high. :( ( I have no idea what my average usage is but I bet its pretty high. Especially after comcast comes in next weak and bumps me up a few mbs. :P)