Network Passwords

I've checked the forum (and other forums) for the answer to my issue, but haven't found anything that works. After running CCleaner and forgetting to turn off the "Network Passwords" option, I have had two odd dialogues consistently pop up. The only thing I can figure that would have effected it is the Network Passwords option.

First is the actual network password entry dialogue, which continues to pop up even after telling it to save the password in the password list and turning off the Network passwords option in CCleaner. It's as though the computer has lost the ability to actually keep them in storage...

The second issue is even more annoying (at least the network DOES connect when I put in the information). When trying to access files on a networked computer in the next room, I keep getting a connection dialogue (enter username/password to access that computer's files, basically). This has never happened before, the other computer is not passworded, and and just entering that computer's username leaves me with: "The drive or network connection that the shortcut "" refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available, and then try again."

Any help would be much appreciated!

Edit: I realized I should probably add that I run the 32-bit version on /AUTO, with settings saved to INI.

sounds like when you rejoined the network, your shortcuts broke.

As for not being able to re-save the passwords, I'd suggest running the Network Passwords entry one more time and see if it fixes the issue.