Need some Reg help please!

I want to add/merge the following into the registry, however, I get confused everytime I try.

The directions are: "copy/past into txtile,save as file.reg and import".


"TFTray"=""C:\\Program Files\\ThreatFire\\TFTray.exe""

Is it a Key, String Value, Binary Value, DWORD Value, Multi-String Value or Expandable String Value? What is with the all the quotation marks and do I need them? If I go to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run], do I just paste "TFTray..."? I'm not afraid to do this, I've backed the registry up, I just want to do it correctly. Thank You!

Create ThreatFire.reg with Notepad

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

“TFTray”=“C:\Program Files\ThreatFire\TFTray.exe”

Insure that you have one blank line at the end and that the file extension is .reg and not .txt then right click on the .reg file and choose Merge.

I find it really weird that ThreatFire does not have an option to Start With Windows :unsure:

I'm not going to try it

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In other words the Pro version is the one that works and the FREE version is a demo.