I'm trying to recovery from a mistake. I have a RAID 5 array with 4 disks, one of which failed. I made a mistake and seem to have erased one of the remaining 3 disks when trying to bring the array online. The drive in question does not appear to be failing, I just made a mistake. The drive has not been formatted. It seems like what i need would be similar to the recovery of a deleted partition in concept. Can Recuva help me, or some other program? Searching the Expensive recovery isn't an option, this isn't critical data just inconvenient. Any help is appreciated.
You could try Paragon Rescue Kit 10. Whether it would work in a Raid array I have no idea, but un-deleting deleted partitions is one of it's features.
Undelete Partition
When simply deleting a partition (without additional wiping) disk management software only removes the references to it in the Partition Table, thus leaving the possibility to recover it later. The Undelete Partitions Wizard enables you to find and recover these partitions. A restored partition will be fully functional, as long as other partitions were not created, moved or exceeded the disk space.
Paragon Rescue Kit 10 Free Edition:
It also has a data rescue feature:
Rescue Your Data
In case of a system malfunction, caused either by a virus attack or file corruption, you can retrieve valuable information from your disks and copy it to another local drive, partition or save the data to CD/DVD. The File Transfer Wizard helps you to export data as easy and convenient as possible.
Good luck, hope it helps.
EDIT: Welcome to the forum by the way.