Need Help in Micro-Welders

Hi to everyone

I am new to this forum and I want some information and System about micro-welder.

If you have some information about this subject so please share with me thanks.

Welcome to Piriform santiago.

I am new to this forum and I want some information and System about micro-welder.

If you have some information about this subject so please share with me thanks.

Whats wrong doesn't Google work? ;)

Either that, or spam. GTHO if you're the latter.


Hi to everyone

I am new to this forum and I want some information and System about micro-welder.

If you have some information about this subject so please share with me thanks.

Hi I am also to new here but I have some information about this subject. Before some months I am working on a project. And I have got information and micro-welder a site you can also try this ****** .There is all information about Heating Solutions

I Hope this post help to you…

Now I know it's spam and you are working on this together david and santiago.

Link to your product removed and I am afraid you are both 2132%20(947).gif

Nice one Hazel. ;)


Hahaha lol

Made my morning.