NEED HELP deleted a PSD file by mistake

Hey everyone, I'm in deep trouble, I, by accident, deleted a PSD file (photoshop file) which is a huge assignment I have to deliver by Friday

I've tried 8 different recover programs, including this one, but I can't seem to find it, instead it finds all kinds of wierd files, that i've never seen before...

Is it really imposible to recover my PSD file, or is it just me, who doesn't have a clue on how this works?

Hope someone can help me, else I'm in big trouble >.<

Regards Jen

Hi jen.

Maybe try setting up Recuva as outlined in this recent post, which will enable you to drill down to the folder location you originally saved the file in.

Hope that helps.

Firstly, do as little on your pc (or on that particular drive) as possible.

How did you delete the file? If it went to the recycler first then it may have been renamed by Windows. In XP it's Dcxxxx.ext, and in Vista/7 it's $Rxxxxx.ext.

If you can't find these files then try a deep scan. I guess the file has been edited many times (?) so there's a good chance that there will be a recent edit copy hanging around. Deep scan will take some time, keep your eye on it and cancel it when stage 2 is running to save some time. The full file list will still be displayed. In Advanced mode you can enter the filename, or part of it, or .psd, in the Filename/Path box. If you get any results recover the most recent to a flash drive or somewhere other than this drive.

@DennisD thanks, I've tried but I still can't seem to find it, it was saved in 2 folders, one by mistake so that was deleted, and one was saved in Downloads (in documents and settings).

@Augeas I must have deleted it with a mistake, while deleting something else, somtimes I push both Ctrl and Shift at same time when selecting some files, but didn't realice it that time, then I emptied the recycler.

Yeah the file have been edited tons of times, since it's a big assignment I've been working on, but I've tried what you said, and yes I'm able to find some old PSD's, but just not the one I'm looking for, it seems like it has just dissapeared

about the Dcxxxx.ext, is that what it would normally call it? or only the .ext part?


btw. I can find the hotkey(shortcut) to both the file and the one folder it was saved in, but can't open it nor locate it

even if I searh for it in windows searh it can find the hotkey/folder, in a folder called reacent which is plassed in documents and settings,I guess it's a hidden folder

In Dcxxx.ext the xxx bit is some randomish number and the ext is the extension type, which I assume is psd.

With a deep scan I would expect you to find something, even if it is not up to date. It would most likely not be associated with any folder, as a deep scan looks at clusters on the disk and directory info is held in (or in your case lost from) the MFT.

If you've found any psd's then recover them all to a flash drive and see if you can open them, and if so what's inside.