CCleaner has a great way to tell if a registry key is needed by right clicking the entry/navigate to it.
Why can't we do that for startup items?
I really need to see if a startup item is needed (but can't) unless I manually navigate there!
Also, I am really hoping the Vista/7 problem with includes will be fixed soon, because it is bad that I cannot add files to delete, or if I do browse to a shortcut, it offers to delete the file the shortcut references instead of the shortcut.
Perhaps can do a text based deletion, similar to uninstallers for other programs?
I noted if you run an uninstaller to several different kinds of programs, they have no trouble deleting the individual shortcuts they created (as referenced in their .txt file that lists all files installed in uninst.txt, etc...
So I am puzzled why CCleaner cannot do similar?
I miss that so much!