and you wouldn't mind the odd "stupid development" now and then.
every company has them eventually.
hell, I was a programmer in a previous life for 19 years and yes, I'm guilt of coding that passed my testing but was then picked up in the pre-production test labs (the very reason they existed).
and yes, once in a blue moon, something got through that process and was released to the public - stuff happens to the best of us.
but.... Piriform.... release after release has been dogged with issues.
what are we up to 8? this year and 2 of those have been 'emergency' patch releases.
but from reading this forum, it isn't just the constant bugs and unwanted 'surprise' features, it's the general lack of care, and concern, and commitment, to their user base and this forum which gives them that direct conduit to that base.
How are you all keeping? Not quite a year has lapsed, but I recently pondered re-installing a very sadly missed old friend of mine back on to our PC's.
Before doing so though, I thought it best to pop back in here first and check out how you 'CC Gurus' are coping with the latest rendition of CCleaner and,
has our old friend still got its umbilical cord firmly attached to that gargantuan server in Prague?
If you feel your response may jeopardise you in any way, please don't respond, I will understand.
Jeopardized by responding, we've all told them what we thought.
If you want CC back on your system might I suggest going with the Portable ZIP version and leave the install versions alone. With the Portable ZIP version you won't ever have a failed install problem with it which has plagued every version for what seems like almost 2 years at this point, and it won't try to install other software you probably want nothing to do with like Avast Free Antivirus.
Not even close to guru status, but fwiw I've stayed with one of the older versions set to manual update. Also staying with avast set same way. Both work fine here on xp.
I will definitely give the Portable Zip version a try Andavari and let you know how I get on with it, but Login 123 are you're still sticking with XP! You must be behind one awesome Firewall or maybe you don't cruise in cyberspace through the big onion. I got tickled that many times with my XP it wasn't funny so I had 3 choices. Couldn't afford one, the penguin couldn't train me so I went with 7. Even that is now that is coming to an end too! One thing is for sure, when Windows goes purely 'Cloud' based, I won't be flying with it.
Thanks so far guys, hope the rest of the gang chime in when the time zones allow them.
I cleared everything out of the C:/Program Files/CCleaner/ folder except for- CCleaner 64.exe and uninst.exe (I also cleared the lang and setup folders and left them empty, but could probably junk those as well).
When there's an update I just extract the new CCleaner64.exe from the portable and replace the old version.
TBH I took a long look at just why I was using CC in the first place, and it was mainly for browser cleaning and a few others like recent file lists.
So I wrote my own batch file to do those, runs in less than a second because its only cleaning what I want.
I let Windows 10 take care of windows junk; I set Storage Sense to do a daily clean, and run a manual clean with it when I feel like it.
CC is only still on my machine for the occasional use of it's other tools.
(and the occasional check that my batch file is still clearing everything from the browser).
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Thank You <em>Andavari</em> and <em>Login123</em>,
I will definitely give the Portable Zip version a try <em>Andavari</em> and let you know how I get on with it, but <em>Login 123</em> are you're still sticking with XP! You must be behind one awesome Firewall or maybe you don't cruise in cyberspace through the big onion. I got tickled that many times with my XP it wasn't funny so I had 3 choices. Couldn't afford one, the penguin couldn't train me so I went with 7. Even that is now that is coming to an end too! One thing is for sure, when Windows goes purely 'Cloud' based, I won't be flying with it.<img alt=":P" data-emoticon="" height="20" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_tongue.png" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/tongue@2x.png 2x" title=":P" width="20"></p>
Thanks so far guys, hope the rest of the gang chime in when the time zones allow them. <img alt=":wub:" data-emoticon="" src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/default_wub.png" title=":wub:"></p>
Yes, good firewall, but the main protections are Sandboxie, Powershadow, and backup software.
These have been attacked more than once and have not failed, except once when I caused it myself (I think).
But it isn't easy. It's like my ancient car; I can drive it legally and safely but new kids probably should not try.
I hope use win 7 the same way. This xp computer will most likely go over to some sort of run-in-ram Linux distro.
But to the main point, Ccleaner & Avast are OK here. Both have changed since the merger, but I'll live with it.
Thank You nukecad and mta, awesome to have you both chime in.
All my experience with Win 10 thus far, has been on clients machines, which they allow me to repair for them FOC. (They are mostly pensioners that cannot afford the expensive labour costs of the professionals.) My work on them mainly involves the removal of junk/bloatware and MS Update issues, most hardware issues involve refreshing the baked/hardened CPU and GPU thermal paste and mandatory removal of surface dust from RAM cards, motherboard components and fan blades and radiator grills. Usually finish off my servicing by installing the brilliant Ivo Beltchevs 'Classic Shell' to turn their Widows 10 GUI back to one they are more familiar with. Surprisingly, they all love it too.
My favourite uninstaller is 'Geek Uninstaller' and the freeware version is still available from MajorGeeks. As for their Internet surfing protection, I always install Malwarebytes for them too.
Thanks for all your tips and info everyone, CCleaner Portable appears to be the 'Go' for now, and a final clean-up with Clear Event Logs.BAT my maintenance work should be a breeze.
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Palebushman, my family's computers use win 8.1 or win 10. I don't have time to keep them tuned up, so that seems to make win 10 the best choice.
Any 8.1 versions I come across these days login123 get automatically upgraded to 10, there are still many of us that are not comfortable with change, but given a little time to play and familiarise oneself with anything new, usually works out well in the end. But using any computer that is purely cloud based for data storage, does not sit comfortably with most that I know.
BTW, love your analogy with your car. Youngsters around my way here believe my column change is the lever for opening the bonnet.
I'm not sure why you think that Windows 10 is 'purely cloud base for storage'?
I use Win 10 quite happily without a Microsoft account, I was conned into signing up when I first Upgraded to Win 10 but subsequently deleted it.
You can install Win 10 without signing up for a MS account. But it's a semi-hidden 'advanced' option in the installation - because they want you to have one.
I've disabled Windows OneDrive so it's not syncing my files, and definitely wouldn't store my data anywhere in the cloud.
(OK, my emails are saved on my domain providers server).
I am aware that some notebooks these days come without any internal storage, (Chromebooks for instance), so buy one that has and disable the cloud connections.
Similar to nukecad I use Win 10 without a Microsoft account and have disabled OneDrive. I like Win 10.
I use CCleaner 5.40 on one machine and other versions on 2 other machines (to compare) The latest CCleaner builds I untick just about everything under options
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. . . All my experience with Win 10 thus far, has been on clients machines, which they allow me to repair for them FOC. (They are mostly pensioners that cannot afford the expensive labour costs of the professionals.) . . .